Just Smile: 15

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“If I can see pain in your eyes then share with me your tears. If I can see joy in your eyes then share with me your smile.”


You sneeze, the virus affects other people, making them sick and agitated. You smile, the smile spreads, this time, you make people smile and feel happy. You frown, the frown spreads and makes other people frown.

A smile is just as contagious as the flu. It flows easily around people and may take some time and a lot of effort to cure it.  

I will relate this to something that had actually happened to me. Once, I was in school in an exam when this crazy, fuuny boy started laughing and laughing. We were all frowning in the exam, but after we saw him, we kept laughing too. The teacher came and the boy frowned. We all frowned. After she left, the boy smiled and every one was uncontrollably laughing. It was the best feeling in the world; having nothing to care about. This moment you smile, you are yourslef. I am actually smiling right now. I have an exam tomorrow, and I just returned home (it is 7pm btw) but I am smiling. I forgot all about those worries becuase of a smile. A smile can make your day- no, your life. 

Yes, you may have a lot of work and a lot of problems- but try smiling. You will feel wonderful. Look at yourself in the mirror NOW. Smile. Just smile. See how wonderful that feels for a change?

Hey guys <3 Like I wrote in the story, I have an exam tomorrow and I just got home. You know friends, I am really enjoying this. At first, I just wanted to help people know how they feel so they won't fall into mistakes. I wanted to make a change. I am now actually realising that I am changing with those people. I love you, honestly saying now. I adore you all, even though I might not know you all. But seriously, you all just became my new friends, my loved unkown friends <3 Next chapter is a special edition for you all- for making me SMILE.

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