Friends Forever: 02

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Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.


Being a leader differs from being a friend. Being a leader means looking for the best for your team and working towards it, making your teammates work their butt off until they reach the goal. Being a friend means looking for the best for your friend and living with them each second and each feeling.

We were once in a team and I was the team leader. I didn't care about anything but the group as a whole reaching its goal. Sometimes, being a group leader can be difficult. From people who don't work at all to people who want to take everything for themselves. This year, we were in a group when this boy told me: Do all the work you and this girl. I knew that this boy, even if I keep telling him to work with us, will never work. I took matters into my and the other girl's hands, but then the boy complained that we do lol the work. I realized it was a dirty scam from them.

When we are friends, it is the silent bonding between us that connects us together. When we are friends, we are together. We are a group. Not a studying or project group, but we are a friends group.

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