My blood boiled

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My blood boiled. A thirst for blood enveloped me. I walked out of the room and came face to face with Quew. His presence irritated me. "I can explain," he began.

"You don't have to." Was my response. He stood in the hallway and hindered me from leaving. "Do you mind?"

"Give me another chance please. Chica? Let's start over. Let's do things right."

I stared into his eyes as he said so. My lips curved into a smile. That smile turned into a dubious grin, leading me to place a chaste kiss on his soft lips. The simple act stunned him. Which gave me the chance to maneuver my way around him.

With all the might I had, I rushed downstairs as fast as I could while he recovered from the daze he was in. Joe drove me to the ranch and I couldn't be more happier. We reached the dungeon and all 20 men were tied up, chained and naked. "Hello, men. Remember me?" I asked innocently. Their responses were muffled since their mouths were gagged. My grin enlarged. If I had fangs, damn they would make me look fucking gorgeous. A true messenger of death. The Mistress.

Seeing them all tied up and in an ascending line; endless possibilities of how to punish them clouded my mind. Each of them were tied on a table. I bet you it wasn't comfortable. Infront of them lay their files. "Mmh. 15 of you are married with kids. Hate to break it to ya that your children are gonna be fatherless. Won't say I won't kill em because I might. They are your spawn. Hence; may become as dirty as you have. I must rid this world of men such as yourselves. You see, because of all of you-I can never be a mother and yet you have kids. What's  fair? Kill you and your breeds." I walked around each of them; zigzagging. With a huge grin on my face. "Who wants to dance with me first?" I asked seemingly to myself. "Oh well," I shrugged. "How about number 15. Father of 3 beautiful little girls. You scumbag." Walking over to him I took an axe with me from the wall of many potential weapons. His screams were muffled and his eyes showed tiny skulls in them. Kidding. But I'm pretty sure if he could they would be there.

Releasing a soft sigh I eyed him down. "This will hurt you more than it will to me." Faking a cry, I began to stalk closer to him. In one swift move his left arm was on the floor and blood sprayed on me. "Fuck. My outfit." Although that didn't stop me. I chopped off all his body parts till he was dead. Agonizing death I'd say. I chuckled and stood over the next guy. "Oh my. Are you leaking through your eyes?" I faked a gasp. He looked pretty young. I took off his gag. "Please, please don't kill me." Moaning to his pleas I knelt before him. "But where's the fun in that?"
"Please. I'll do anything. Just don't kill me." He breathed. "You're younger than the rest. No kids. No wife. No one will miss you nor ever know." His eyes bulged out their sockets as my lips tugged up. "Maybe I'll save you for last." I brushed his dark hair off his face and moved on to the next culprit.

The next guys were either chopped to pieces, shot, fed to my dog, cut, burned alive, electrocuted and stabbed. My outfit was bloodied. Least to say for my face. I looked like I swam in a pool of blood. Technically I was. "Ohhh. 3 remaining. Don't worry my kitties. I saved the best for last." The smile that was plastered on my face reeked of malice, sarcasm and death. Putting on goggles I started up a chainsaw. The sound it emitted made me grin so vilely. Stepping closer to whatever his name was; I began to carve the letter "S" on his chest with the chainsaw. As soon as I saw the bloodied letter I began to sing a song by Ava Max-Sweet but Psycho. "Oh shes sweet but a psycho...." and continued to saw him apart. After I was done, whilst panting, my head snapped to the direction of the remaining two. The way their bodies shook in fear made me laugh menacingly. "Joe take that one on the left and leave him outside. I'll be there. You," pointing at the remaining guy. "Stay."

I placed the chainsaw down and took off the goggles. Waltzed outside like a boss. As if I hadn't just killed 18 men by my own bare hands. Getting into my car, I wiped some blood off my face. Checking the rearview mirror I saw Joe following my orders. The guy tried resisting and only got a punch from Joe that sent him to the ground. That was my cue. Starting up the car and placing it in reverse, my body tingled. The next move had my car stepping on a bump. I stepped on him with my car. Head first before the rest of him. Getting out of the car I crouched next to it. Damn he looked like a piece of gum under a shoe. I'm going to need a new paint job. "What?" I gazed over at Joe who looked petrified. "You-you just stepped on a person with a fucking car and you don't feel a thing!?" He raised his hands up clearly exasperated. "Don't be silly Joe." We walked back inside. "As promised. You're the last one." Putting my hands together; I squealed gleefully.

Skipping to him, I saw how frightened he was. "Now, do you want me to cut you open?" I asked enthusiastically. The guy gave me a look as if I had grown an extra head. "Okay, scoop your eyeball out?" I grinned, I was trying to be as nice as I could. Unfortunately, he took them as threats. "Joe, he won't answer me," I began to whine. "Mistress, I think  he's just afraid to sentence himself."
"Oh in that case, how about I cut your tongue?" With that I searched for a sharp knife. He shook his head no vigorously. "No? Mmh. Skin you alive?" Still a no. The best idea came to mind. "Gravity?" I asked mostly myself. That will do. Falling off a building. I wouldn't have to kill him. Gravity will do just that. "To the roof it is!" I chirped excited. The guy wriggled around in disagreement. "Arg! What do you want then?" Now he was just upsetting me. Joe removed his gag and the guy began rambling nonsense. With a single finger wag he shut his mouth. "Since you could not decide for yourself, I will choose for you or...I give you one last chance." Smiling at him as the ideas flew in my head made me feel like skipping. "Okay, I got it!" I know for a fact that at this exact moment; sane people would say I lost a few screws in my head. But, I can't help it. The art of bodily disassembling makes me soar. "You have 3 choices. Drink acid, get raped to death or burn yourself and your family down. What will it be?" The guy was hesitant. I mean like of course he couldn't do them so yet again I saved him. "Acid will do." Was my response. I went to the shelf and picked out a dangerous acid. Hydrofluoric acid. Pouring the liquid into a suitable container; I forced it down his mouth. In mere seconds his neck began to dissolve. His screams were cut off the moment the acid ate through his vocals. Not to mention his neck and most probably his insides too. His death was quite quick and I wished it could have been prolonged.

"Alas, another one goes. Margaritas?" Joe gave me a look that said you're literally covered in blood and you're thinking of drinking? Are you really that insane? "Yes. Yes I am." I answered his non verbal question anyways. Maybe a hot bubble bath will do me some good. People may not be too keen to serve me if they see me in this state. "Back to the house. Wait no. Get the others and rid of this mess. It should be spotless. Don't forget about bubblegum boy under my car too." Thinking for a moment or two, "Guess I'll have to stay here tonight till everything is cleared out and that car spotless too. I can't go back home with it. Call the clean up crew and chop chop." I clapped my hands for emphasis.

My mind was at ease. At least a part of my past had been wiped out. Remainder? Vladimir Lenin. Where the fuck is he? I must get his file first thing tomorrow morning. I ran myself a hot bath and soaked in the water till it got cold before going to bed. The ranch is my home away from home. I don't remember eating but that party left me quite full. For sure I'll need a heavy breakfast tomorrow.

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