Chapter 31: Found Pieces

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//I'll right-- first of all I want to THANK YOU for coming here to read my work.

I hope that you would enjoy reading and I encourage you to stay until this book ends.

I really do hope that you would stay and read my book.

So I won't take up your time and enjoy reading. Please I really want you to support this book. 😊

Keep safe and stay healthy.

Lots of love to all of yah//

Kian's POV

Now that I already have found pieces of the things that I needed to unravel the mysteries inside the school.

I have found out that Kim was ordered to be killed by someone intimate to him making me think in confusion and disbelief. I kept on thinking who the person is and that's making me anxious to find it out. And now, that's what I'm going to find out.

I also did one of my promises to my brother, which is to see to it that the Class that he cared will be able to move on and have a good future. That's the reason why I wanted to transfer at this school and choose this section in the first place.

Damn I found out that the schools treats them badly here and that they usually picks on them. I was really angry that time when I found it out. I hate also the way how others teachers treat student here. It makes my blood boil.

"Well nevertheless, I still have to see to it that this Class will be able to join the exam game and erase that letter in their memory" I utter while getting inside my room.

I toss my bag at the other side and drag myself to the bed. I immediately throw myself unto the bed when I was near it.

I close my eyes and turn around and lay on my back while staring at the ceiling. I close my eyes before opening it again and sigh.

Then I remember something making me shake my head and realize something.

"Now I remember that guy" I mumble while massaging my temples.

(He's the boy that I saw that night who was leading those jerks back then) I remember while clinching my fists.

"So he's the one that gave them the letter and here I thought it was Jake" I mumble while sitting down on the edge to the table.

(Wait till I get my hands on this person. I will make him feel my anger) I thought while getting mad.

I immediately stand up and went to find my phone. I grab it and dialed a number and here it rang.

"Yes Sir, you need anything" the other line said.

"I want you to get all the information about this guy, his name is Max Larenze" I said.

"Yes Sir, I will give it right away one's I have it" I ended the call and stand up.

"Maybe I might have some fun for the main time while I try to catch you" I utter while going to the bathroom and take a shower.

"Better be ready since I'm going to hunt you down" I smile wickedly before removing my clothes and open the shower.


Third Person's POV

"So they have decided to join the game now" someone said across a room.

He was sitting at the middle of the side of room while looking at the other person.

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