Chapter 60: Friends

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Kian's POV

I was smiling in pure joy as I watch these idiots as they all try to pester each other as they were planning the rest of the of sleep ov—I mean group review that is going to happen before the exam.

I was watching them from afar as I was picking some books on the shelves.

By the way we are here at the library trying to use the quiet room area in this library since I haven't tried it and the rest were surprised that I haven't been here.

I then told them that did they forget that I was new here. I don't even know that they have a specific room like this in the library.

I was very impressed when I saw it. And Let me explain why I said I was impressed.

(Do you know those soundproof rooms that is used when by security personnel when interrogating someone? If yes then the rooms in here are basically like that it's just named quiet room to be different. But instead of mirror it's just basically a glass so I can see right through it)

(The library by the way is full of different books stacked in many shelves if you are asking what's inside a library or you better try and go to your libraries if you don't know what am I talking about)

I shake my head as I laugh at myself for thinking nonsense before I look away from them as I glance at the books that I was getting on the shelf.

As I was scanning the shelves to find the books that I was assigned to get by those idiots who are laughing in the room.

I glance at them before I roll my eyes when I saw them glancing at me and they all are waving their hands at me trying to piss me off and it's working.

I immediately raise my right hand and give them a nice middle finger as I give them all a mischievous smirk.

"These lousy bastards, I hope that you all of you will dhusfgkjfb" I groan in annoyance before I snap and look away since looking at them is only getting my blood boil.

"I better collect those books and slam it on their faces later on when I get to them" I said grumpily while looking at the paper that have the list of books.

I then slam the book back in the shelf again since it's not the right one making me groan even more in frustration.

"Why is that damn book hard to find?" I mumble in annoyance as I then enter the other alley to look for that last book.

I was suddenly walking to get to the next shelf around the corner when suddenly I bump into someone making me step back and immediately apologize.

"Oh... I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump at you" I mumble as I was looking down to pick a book on the floor since the person, I bump into dropped some books which was scattered on the floor.

(What the heck is wrong with you? Didn't they always tell to look at where you're going and avoid glancing at your phone) I scolded myself since I was scrolling something on my phone and that is the reason why I bump with this person.

I then picked up the books and I was about to give it to him but suddenly I got confused when the person didn't even react like maybe shouting at me for not looking at where am I going or if not scold me for not looking at my way.

The person was just quiet making me slowly raise my head and nearly cursed in front of him when I saw who was it.

(Shit... out of all people in this campus why should it be him) I mentally complain as I look away with a depressed expression and I was about to throw my phone at the ground.

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