Chapter 52: Seth's Hulk Was Released

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//Sorry for the slow updates.

And Thank you so much for your support

I really appreciate the reads that I am getting. 

As I have said as long as there is one out there who still read that means a lot.//



Kyle's POV

I was on my bed when I suddenly receive a message from my phone. I was surprised to see that I have a message this late. I look at the clock and sigh in curiosity.

"Who would text this late at night" I asked myself as I grab my phone and open it.

"Is this important—oh it's from Kian" I said as soon as I saw who was it from.

"I already thanked him Kyle so you can now stop pestering me tomorrow" his message said and I chuckle at that.

(I kept on pestering him to go and thank them because they actually did help him that much and I guess Kian was a bit hesitant to go thank them) I thought as I stare at my phone.

"I know that we are not that in good condition with them but what they did was too much that he should go and thank them at least for saving his but" I mumble as I remember that time that they had told me what really happened.

"To Kian, Fine I won't pester you tomorrow. At least you still have the heart to go and thank them. I thought that you would still not thank them" I typed and sent to him.

He immediately replied and I stared at my screen.

"Of course I am not that heartless like you" he replied making me stare at it in disbelief.

"I am not" I replied before I then close my phone and went to sleep since I don't want that guy's message to ruin my sleep tonight.

I then chuckle as I then drifted to sleep but before that I mumble something.

"I really made a nice friend"


Jas' POV

I was staring at my window and beautiful scenery immediately greeted me. The sunrise was so beautiful that you could see the mix colors of orange, yellow and red on the sky.

Tear drops of water can be seen trapped on the leaves of the plants that were planted outside our house. I then opened the window and cold fresh air immediately touched my bare skin making me get a chilling sensation.

"So cold" I mutter as I then immediately close the window.

I chuckle at my reaction since of course it would be cold since it was early in the morning.

(The air should be cold and not warm you idiot) I scold myself as I then get out of bed and start the day.

I tied my air as soon as I got out of bed and I went to look at myself on the mirror and I laugh at my face.

I still have some bandages on my head and I think that it would already be fine if I take this off a few more days.

I then sand inside of my head as I then wear my sleeper and get out of my room but as soon as I then look at the door I immediately stop and look at the calendar that is hanged beside the door.

My attention was caught because of a red inked number that was circled with some words written beside it.

"The midterms is coming or should I saw The Exam Game is already few days from now" I mumble as I then sigh in defeat as I stare at it.

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