54 (Edited)

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It's been a couple weeks since we've gotten back from our honeymoon, and the guys have been in the studio a lot the last little while.

So for the most part it's just been me and Morgan, every once in a while Axel's mom will stop by for a few hours.

But today would be fun, Angelina texted me last night asking if she could come over today. And I of course said yes, it's been getting pretty boring not having Axel here.

It was 9 so she should be here any minute.

I was in the middle of changing Morgan's diaper with I heard a knock on the door, but me being the safety freak I am I have the door locked.

"Just a second!" I yelled out.
I quickly finished up her diaper and carried her as I walked over to the door.

"Hey girl, sorry by the way I was in the middle of changing her diaper," I said as I gave her a hug and let her in.

"Hey, and it's fine I get it," She laughed as we headed into the living room.

"So what's up? It's been like a month since I've since you," I said and she all of a sudden got a nervous look on her face.

"What'a wrong? It looks like you've seen a ghost," I said and I could see that she was starting to get emotional.

I got up and out Morgan in her little play area that I knew she wouldn't hurt herself, since we've yet to baby proof the house since Axel's been gone so much.

"Angel, what it? Is everything okay?" I asked sitting right by her.
And in that moment she began crying and shaking her head. "I-I-I think I might be pregnant," She said and my eyes widen.

"What? Why do you think that?" I asked her.
"I've been feeling sick, and things just seem off and I was supposed to get my period like five days ago," She said which I was just able to make out from how much she was crying.

"Well don't freak out just yet, you don't even know if you are. Do you want to take a test?" I asked her and she nodded her.

"Ok, come with me upstairs I have some in my bathroom. Let me just grab Morgan," I said and we both stood up, I went and got Morgan and we headed upstairs into mine an Axel's bathroom.

I again placed Morgan in another play pin we had in our room with some toys, and lead Angel in the bathroom.

I leaned down, and pulled out a box of pregnancy test I had.

"Ok, so I have a little cup. You're going to pee in that and then dip the test in for 30 seconds and then we have to wait 3 minutes," I told her as I handed everything to her and she nodded her head.

I rubbed her back for a second before joining Morgan back out in the bedroom.

I picked her up and brought her close to me, and she giggled.

"You can't tell anyone, but you might be getting a little cousin," I whispered to Morgan and she just stared at me.

I heard the door open and looked over and it looked like she was on the verge of tears yet again.

MY ROCKSTAR.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum