38 (Edited)

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It was the next morning and we had all gotten ourselves ready, they had been checking me throughout the night. And my levels and vials seemed to just increase little by little.

But on a more exciting note, the guys and Axel's parents were coming to visit. Angelina couldn't come because she had classes.

"Thorn said they just got here," Axel said looking at his phone.

Around 5 minutes later the guys walked in.

"How are you feeling Ivy?" Roland asked he was always the most caring out of the other guys, except for of course Axel but I was bias.

"I'm uncomfortable but okay," I said, which my migraine wasn't horrible I could bare the light. It was just the swelling that got to me.

We were all just talking, well except for Roland an Arlo. They were off in the corner of the room talking.

"Axel, can you grab a pillow to put behind my back?" I asked pointing to one.

He grabbed it and helped me sit up, before placing it behind my back.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, my back just started aching a bit," I told him, and he sat himself beside me and held my hand.

Roland an I were trying to be as quiet as possible when we were talking.

"I just feel bad, she's my sister and there's a lot happening to her," I said to him.

"I know baby, but we can come see them everyday. I mean you said it yourself last night on the phone that you were probably going to go back to they're house, so why not just come stay with me? I really don't want you by yourself," He suggest and I knew he had point, I was just hoping she wouldn't mind all too much.

"You're right, I'll talk to her when you guys get ready to leave," I said and he kissed my forehead.

Roland an Arlo had joined us, right as there was a knock on the door. Revealing Axel's parents.

"You just can't catch a break can you dear?" Josie said coming over to me.

"Seems like it," I laughed.

I hugged her and then Matthew came over to me I hugged him.

"How are you feeling?" His dad asked me.

"Uncomfortable," I said and he did a small smile and lightly kissed my forehead.

Everyone stayed for about 2 more hours and they had started walking towards the door when Arlo came over to me.

"I wanted to talk to you about something" She said and she looked nervous.

"About what? That you wanna stay with Roland?" I said and she looked flabbergasted.

"How-how did you know?" She asked and I rolled my eyes.

"I heard you, you idiot. And no I don't care if you stay with him I would rather you with him than at the house alone, and you can't feel guilt and I promise I'll call you right away if something comes up," I said not letting her get a word in.

She sighed and looked me. "Thank you Ivy, I promise I'll be here tomorrow morning," She said I scoffed at her.

"Please, go get your bag. You wouldn't want to keep him waiting," I said and she smiled before kissing my cheek.

Axel was in the bathroom during this exchange and about 5 minutes later he came out.

"I didn't even hear the shower on," I said as I noticed his hair was wet.

He looked around the room. "Its not really that loud, where's Arlo?" He asked.

"She went back to Roland's house," I said and his eyes widen.

"Damn, I definitely would not let my little sister go off with her boyfriend at his house," He teased and I rolled my eyes.

"Please, she's already told me that they've met up a couple times without telling anyone," I said as he climbed in the bed bed next to me.

He sighed, and laid his arm over my belly. "I love you," He said into my neck.

"I love you too," I said back as I ran my fingers through his hair.

There was a subway in the hospital, so shortly after we had cuddled. Axel had went down to get us some sandwiches.

He came back about 30 minutes later, and we sat on my bed an ate while we watched something on my laptop.

"Ugh, I really hope we don't have to stay here much longer," I said as he threw our trash away.

"Me too doll, me too," He said said as he once again got back in bed with me.
A/N: I know this chapter was pretty short an uneventful, but the next chapter is definitely going to make up for this one I promise.

But I do hope you guys somewhat enjoyed this one!


Love you guys!❤️

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