78 (Edited)

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It was now the beginning of June and everyone was at the house for our baby shower.

They were going all out as I wasn't able to have one when I was pregnant with Morgan.

I was currently sitting down holding Violet while I was talking to Angelina who was holding Mason.

"So you're due next next month, how are you feeling?" She asked.

"I'm feeling really good, I feel a lot more calmer this go around since I don't have so much to worry about." I told her.

"I can imagine I'm just so glad everything's going better, that freaked everyone out." She said and I smiled.

"Thank you, but enough about me you've been a mom for almost a month. How are you adjusting to everything? Especially with twins." I asked her.

She sighed. "It's been hard, but we're finding a rhythm. And I know it's only a phase and it'll get easier with time." She said and I nodded my head.

"That's good and it is hard, but it definitely does get easier especially once you find that groove that works for all of you." I told her and she smiled.

"Thank you, that's good to hear." She said.

Eventually everyone had piled into the living room, and had me and Axel sit together.

"We want to celebrate the newest soon to be member of this family today, we can't wait to meet Madden and have another little one around here. So to Axel and Ivy and their beautiful little family." Arlo said as she's the one who threw the whole thing.

"Thank you sissy for doing this for us, it's so good to have you here." I said and stood up to hug her.

I sat back down and she handed me a bag, we got a lot of wipes, diapers, formula and just things like that.

We still had so much left from Morgan we didn't think we needed much in the clothes department.

But everyone still got her a couple outfits each which was nice, there were things of Morgan's that we never used as she was so little when she was born.

"Thank you guys so much for everything, it honestly means so much that you guys care so much for Madden. She's gonna be so lucky when she arrives." I said getting up to hug everyone.

Afterwards we had moved out into the patio as the weather was becoming nicer and nicer.

The guys had grilled a stupid amount of food and I believe Elora had made the desserts.

"This shit is good." Roland said and I rolled my eyes.

I chuckled and shook my head. "Roland you said that about anything and everything you eat." I said and he shrugged his shoulders.

"It's true." He said before going back to eat.

It was close to Morgan's bedtime so I had went upstairs with Arlo Elora and Angelina so I could put her down.

"Are you ready to add a second baby into this?" Elora asked.

"As ready as I can be I guess." I smiled as I did up Morgan's diaper.

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