79 (Edited)

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It's been a few weeks since the baby shower, and I had Arlo, Elora, Angelina and of course the twins at the house to help set up Madden's nursery.

Arlo was currently helping me set her crib together while the other girls were folding her clothes that I had washed.

"So have you and Roland gone over any wedding plans?" Angelina asked.

"Not really, we're not that much in a hurry to get married so I think we're gonna take our time and not panic about having it get done. We'll probably get married next year some time." She said which I don't blame her.

"That's good though, gives you a chance to focus on your career." I said.

"About that when do you start?" Elora asked.

"Next week." She smiled. "Are you excited?" I asked her and she nodded her. "I can't wait." She smiled.

We got the crib set up and most of her clothes were squared away in her closet.

"Can you keep an eye on Morgan? I need to let Maddox out." I asked them as I stood.

"Yeah sure." Elora said waving me off.

I walked downstairs and called for Maddox. "Come on boy let's go out!" I said and he ran over to the door.

I opened the door and he ran out into the yard, I stepped out and checked the gate to the pool to make sure it was locked.

I went back into the house and back upstairs, we had finished most of everything else but I had to get her rug out of the closet.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna run downstairs for second." I told them.

I grabbed a chair from the dining room and headed back upstairs and put it in her closet so I could grab her rug from the top shelf.

"Ivy! What the hell are you doing?" Arlo asked as I went to stand on the chair.

"Oh her rug is on the top shelf and I was gonna get it." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Are you dumb? You're almost nine months pregnant! Get your ass away from that chair and let me get it." She said and I couldn't help but chuckle.

I stepped away from the chair and she once again rolled her eyes and got on the chair and grabbed the rug and handed it to me.

I cut it out of the plastic wrapping and rolled it out onto the floor. "Thank you guys for coming today and helping, definitely made things go a lot faster." I said as we stood looking around the nursery.

Everyone had left except for Arlo and we were downstairs in the living room.

"Do you ever think about how life would be if mom and dad were still here?" Arlo asked and I could tell she'd been thinking about this a lot.

"Of course I do, all the time how things would've been at mine and Axel's wedding. When I got pregnant for the first time you graduating college everything, I've always thought of how life would've been." I said feeling the emotion in my throat.

"Do you think they would be proud of us?" She asked. "I think they would be so proud of us, everything that we've been able to accomplish without them being here. I think they would floored." I said and she smiled.

"I sure hope so, all I've done over these past few years have been to make them proud." She said.

"Well I think you've done a damn good job of that, because I'm so proud of you." I told her and she smiled as she wiped a stray tear.

She stood up and came over to hug me. "Thank you sissy, I'm so proud of you too." She said. 

We chilled for a while longer when Axel came back and of course Roland was with him.

"How was your day doll?" He asked as he pulled me to him.

"It was good we got Madden's nursery done." I told him and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Damn look at you guys." He said. "Yeah but then Ivy goes downstairs to get a chair so she can stand on it to get the rug out the closet." Arlo said and now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"Doll you're almost nine months pregnant." "That's what I said!" Arlo said.

Roland and Arlo left an hour or so later, and Axel an I were in the living room relaxing.

"So guess what I scheduled for next week." He said out of nowhere.

"What did you schedule?" I asked.
"I'm gonna get a vasectomy." He said and my eyes widen.

"You're kidding." I said and he shook his head. "Madden's our last one, and I don't wanna risk you getting pregnant again and being miserable for nine months." He said.

"As long you wanna do it, do I need to take you?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"Roland and Lincoln were gonna go with me, it's an early appointment and we'd have to go through Morgan's routine." He said.

I wanted to go take a shower so Axel was gonna put Morgan down for bed.

I walking back in our room drying my hair with a towel. "How was your shower?" Axel asked.

"It was good finally able to shave my legs." I said he laughed.

I got out one of Axel's shirts and a pair of my underwear.

I got into bed and cuddled up to Axel and we watched Netflix.

"Can you believe we're gonna be having another baby next month?" I said to him.

"I know I can't wait." He said.

"I love you." He said kissing the top of my head. "I love you too." I said leaning up to kiss him.
A/N: Well they got Madden's room done! Axel also announced that he's getting the snip snip done.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one! I'm hoping to get this book finished by this year, so I'm just going to upload as I finished them.


Love you guys!❤️

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