50 (Edited)

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It's now been a few days since we've been in Hawaii, and we had around four days left here.

And today we were going jet-skiing, I had on a simple nude bikini. And Axel had on dark grey swim shorts.

They told us the less we had on the more comfortable it would be, especially since they would have us wearing life jackets.

We made sure we had the few things we needed and then walked out our little house hand and hand.

"You know as nice as it's been having some alone time for the first time in a while, I'm excited to get back home to Morgan," I said as I looked up to Axel.

"Me too, I was thinking once she's older we should bring her here," Axel said and I smiled.

"She can be our little beach baby," I said.

We got to the place where we were supposed to meet for the jet skiing.

"Hi I'm Vanes," A guy said stretching his hand out towards us.
"Aye man, I'm Axel and this is my wife Ivy," Axel said introducing us as he shook his hand, and then I did the same.

"It's nice to meet you guys, all you guys have to do is put these life jackets on. And make sure it's clipped in right," Vanes explained, handing us the life jackets.

We put the life jackets on, and then Vanes proceeded to show us how the jet skis worked.

Once we learned the jet skis, we all go on one Vanes leading the way.

It was nearly an hour later that we had finished jet skiing, something I definitely want to do again.

Axel an I said goodbye to Vanes, and then we headed somewhere to get some lunch.

We had gotten some fish tacos, and we decided to just take them back to the little house. Since jet skiing had wore us both out.

"That was so much fun," I said as I sat on the couch in the little living room.
"Yeah except for when I flipped mine," Axel sulked making me laugh.

"You wanna take a shower with me? I need to get this salt water off me," I asked Axel as I got up to throw my trash away from lunch.

"Hell yeah I wanna take a shower with you," He said making me laugh.

I had turned the shower on, and we both stripped out of our clothes. Axel had placed his hands on my waist and lifted me so my legs wrapped around his waist.

He walked us into the shower and pressed me against the wall, "I couldn't think of a better place than right here with you," He said pressing his forehead to mine.

He placed his lips on mine, and I relished in this moment. I love this man with my entire being.

He broke away from me and placed me on feet, and the placed me so I was standing in front of him.

He reached down and grabbed my shampoo and started washing my hair for me.

"What's this for?" I asked smiling.
"You've done so much recently doll, so I wanna treat my wife," He said and I again smiled at the mention of being his wife.

I turned back to look at him. "I love that we can finally say that," I told him and he smiled.
"Me too doll," He said kissing my cheek.

We finished up in the shower, he completely babied me. From wrapping me up in a towel, to putting clothes on me. But I'm definitely not complaining I love when Axel gets like this.

We had order room service, which was tilapia, quinoa, spinach and tomatoes.

"Ugh this is so good!" I groaned.
"I think I'm gonna miss the food the most when we leave," Axel said.
"Agreed," I said as I nodded my head.

After dinner, we cleaned up and headed to our room and got into bed.
A/N: This was a pretty short chapter, but I hope you guys still enjoyed.

The Hawaii chapters are almost over, but some exciting chapters will becoming after so stay tuned.

Again I hope you guys enjoyed.


Love you guys!❤️

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