53 (Edited)

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It was the day after that Axel an I got back from our honeymoon, it wasn't even 8 in the morning yet. And Axel had to leave because him and the guys needed to discuss something, but afterwards they would be coming back here.

So while he was gone, I got myself and Morgan up and ready for the day. I had made an order while she was still sleeping.

I had gotten a few more things for her nursery since as of today she'll officially be moving in there, and then I got a high chair and some stuff that will hopefully make the transition easier as she starts eating regular food.

And then lastly I got some things to baby proof the house, because she's definitely getting a lot more active. And I obviously want to make sure she's not going to hurt herself.

I wanted to clean her nursery before her nap today, just so she could get used to the new environment before nighttime.

So I put her in her pack and play, just outside her room. So that way I could sweep and what not.

I turned on the humidifier, and I made sure that her sound machine was good to go.

Her room was all nice and clean, so I brought her back downstairs with me. I put her down so she could crawl.

I decided I would try giving her a little snack, I had these baby cereal puff things. And then I decided to mush up some bananas.

I decided to also give her a small amount of water in a sippy cup for the first time.

Since we didn't have a high chair just yet, I just brought her little snack into the living room and sat her on my lap.

"Hey Morgan, you wanna try a little snack?" I asked her even though I knew she wouldn't say anything.

She reached out for the puff things, and those seemed to be a hit with her.

I gave her the sippy cup with the little bit of water in it, and she didn't seem to have an issue getting the water out.

As for the bananas, she tasted them but then didn't want anything more to do with them afterwards.

She finished her snack, so I carried her into the kitchen with me while I washed her dishes.

It was getting close to lunchtime, and I knew the guys would be coming here pretty soon. So I tried my best to cook food and keep an eye on Morgan.

I was pretty close to finishing the burgers when I heard the all to familiar yelling of the guys.

"Ivy? Where are you?" I heard Axel call out for me.
"I'm in the kitchen!"'I yelled to him.
"Why didn't you guys just come through the garage door?" I asked him.
"Beats me, they went to the front door for some reason," He told me coming over and gave me a kiss and then one to Morgan as well.

"Can you take her so I can finish making lunch?" I asked him, and he grabbed her out my arms.

"Ivy! I haven't seen you in forever!" Roland yelled and then before I knew it I was off the ground.

"Roland Gray Finn, if you don't put me down I'll slap your ass," I said and he then slowly placed me back down.

"Sorry, you know how I get," He said and gave me a hug instead.

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