80 (Edited)

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Today was the day that Axel was having his vasectomy, it was 5:30 and his appointment was at 6:15.

"Are you nervous?" I asked him. He shook his head. "Not really, they gave me a Valium to take. But it's something I wanna do." He said shrugging his shoulders.

I smiled and kissed his shoulder. "Thank you for doing this." I said to him.

"Please you've put yourself through so much, least I can do it get the snip snip." He said making a cutting motion with his fingers.

His phone went off and he looked down at it. "Roland and Lincoln are here, it shouldn't take too long so I should be back by 8:30. But I'll text you to let you know what's going on." He said standing up and coming over to my side of the bed.

"Okay, I love you I'll see you in a bit." I said leaning up to kiss him.

"I love you too doll, see you in a bit." He smiled and walked out our room.

I knew Morgan would be up soon, so I decided to take advantage of the time I do have and take a shower.

It was Monday and I had turned 38 weeks yesterday, so I was preparing to go into labor at any point.

But I still hadn't had any symptoms that would make think she's coming anytime soon.

I had an appointment this Friday, and at my last one a few days ago I was three centimetres.

I was brushing my teeth while the water was heating up, I stepped into the shower and did everything I could think of that I usually don't have time for.

Once I was done I went and blow dried my hair and put a little bit of makeup on, I then went and put some clothes on cause it was now almost 6:30 and I knew Morgan would be up soon.

Once I was dressed I grabbed my phone and the baby monitor and went downstairs to fix breakfast for Morgan.

I was lost in thought making pancakes when I realized I still hadn't heard Morgan, so I looked at the monitor and she was still sleeping peacefully.

I was able to get breakfast done and went back upstairs to her room, when I opened her door she was sitting up and smiled when she saw me.

"Good morning Momo, how'd you sleep?" I asked smiling as I picked her up.

I took her over to her changing table and changed her diaper before getting her dressed.

I picked her up and went to the door. "Are you ready to eat?" I asked and she clapped her hands.

Once we were in the kitchen I put her in her high chair and gave her a bit of everything I had made.

I then fixed a plate for myself and sat down at the table.

I saw I had gotten a text from Axel saying that he was getting ready to go back for the procedure.

We had finished up breakfast and I had cleaned up the kitchen before taking Morgan into the living room to play.

I needed to use the bathroom so I made sure there was nothing she could get her hands on.

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