55 (Edited)

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It's been about a week since the news about Thorn and Angelina.

And today we were going to have a bbq, it was just going to be Axel's parents.
The guys, and then of course Axel me and Morgan.

I had asked if Elora wanted to come but she said she had a family reunion to go to that she couldn't get out of.

And then we had also asked Michael and Athena if they could make it, but they too had some prior engagement to go to.

But the other exciting thing about today, was that it was Thorn and Angelina's first baby appointment. They had actually went that same night they found out over to Angel's house to tell her parents and they took it well, which I wasn't all too surprised about.

Today was mine and Thorns first baby appointment, and I was just waiting for him to pick me up.

I won't lie a say he hasn't been absolutely amazing this past week, I had some random craving at midnight. And I told him as he asked me how I was feeling and when I told him he immediately went out and bought what I wanted.

I was staying with my parents since I was doing online classes, and I was currently trying to do some work before he came.

I heard a knock on my door. "Come in," I yelled out, and the door opened revealing Thorn.

"Oh crap I hadn't realized you were here," I said and got off my bed and grabbed my phone and purse.

"Calm down it's fine, I just got here. But I started talking to your parents, they also wanted me to tell you they're going to the movies,"  He said and I nodded my head.

We walked downstairs and out to his truck, he opened the door for me and helped my in as it was so far off the ground.

Once I was in, he shut the door and went around to the other side and got in himself.

He reversed out of the driveway and we started the drive to the doctors office.

"Are you nervous?" I asked him.
"A little, are you?" He asked.
"I can't tell if I'm nervous, or if it's morning sickness," I said and he laughed.

We got to the doctors office around 15 minutes later, and Thorn had gotten out and then came over to my side and helped me get out.

We walked in and I signed in, and then we went and sat in the waiting room.

"Okay I think I'm nervous," I said and I felt him grab my hand with a little bit of hesitation before lacing our fingers together.

"It'll be fine, just take deep breaths when you feel yourself getting worked up," He told me as he brushed his fingers over the back of my hand.

"Angelina Pierce?" I heard a nurse call my name.

We stood up, still hand and hand. But at this point I didn't mind, it was somewhat comforting.

"How are you guys today?" He asked.
"We're good, how are you?" Thorn asked.
"I'm good, ok we're going to do some routine checks before the ultrasound," He told us.

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