Soma Ending

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I am lazy to find a picture. You at least have an image of Soma here.

Soma pov

I will win this race.

I want to prove to people that I can be responsible.

I have reached to a status of the goddess, Kali.

I was hoping to find some help with my search, but...

"Congratulations! You have found where M/n is hiding. Don't screw it up or you will be on my list to die." Grell said with confetti floating around and a book with him.

"Hey Prince Soma. How are you doing? I was here watching Agni pray to Kali in the hopes of your safety and survival." M/n said while standing up and walked towards me.

"My prince! You are okay. Thank the gods you are here with us." Agni said and ran towards me with a hug.

A couple of years later, there was a wedding. We were waiting until the right moment to have the wedding.

(I barely know what I am doing with these weddings. Let's just go with it. Correct me if I was wrong with anything. I never been to a wedding before. However, they seem boring when told to me. What is the fun of waiting in a seat and seeing people get engaged among with who knows available?)

We have invited Grell, Grell's co-workers, the Phantomhive residents, the Trancy residents, my family members who were available, Lau and his lady friends, and some kind people within London nearby who could make it.

Since this is supposed to be a traditional Hindu wedding, M/n's choice to learn more of my homeland, we advised the guests to wear bright colors except mostly the colors white (familar to a funeral color), black (a so called unlucky color), and red (bride's color).

Also, the wedding was about 3 days in total.

There were preparations, before parties, and gatherings.

Now it is the third day of the ceremony.

M/n was wearing a red sari with some beautiful henna designs.

I was in a parade like celebraturial to arrive to see M/n with his company.

There was lively music and dancing.

The Undertaker and Grell took the liberty to offer M/n to me due to complicated situation.

Sure M/n's parents are deceased, but their ghost spirits live on arguing with each other nearby as if we didn't exist in the living world.

"We should let them settle out their problems by themselves. Besides, they have been doing this I could remember growing up." Grell suggested and we left the area to go to the wedding mandap or alter.

Next we did the homam, Grell giving 3 fistful of rice to M/n who throws the rice into the fire lit at the center.

After homam, we prayed to the god Ganesha/Ganesh/Ganapati/the Hindu god with an elephant head/? for the blessings of our marriage.

After the pray, we exchanged jai mala or flower glands. Then, I give M/n a mangala sutra which is invoked by the goddess Lakshmi.

Later, it was time for saptapadi. We were tied by our garments and circled around the center fire 7 times.

Then there was the sindoor or red powder to be set in M/n's head. However, it was a little difficult due to his hair being fully red in color to know it is there.

Finally, it was the Vidaai ceremony.

"Wait a moment. Does this mean I will never see my brother again?" Grell said in worry.

"I am sure that we can see each other through visits," M/n said reassuring a crying sibling.

Next week, we traveled to India with Agni and Grell.

It was fun to introduce my culture to them and see my family, when they were available.

We took care of some of the people on the streets.

"You are so kind mister." An elderly said.

"Thanks for treating my wound." A little kid said.

We ended up raising a charity to help the homeless and provide them with basic needs.

Few years later, we adopted a boy and a girl.

The boy was named Ved Aiden Kadar.

The girl was named Scarlet Ananya Kadar.

We lived happy lives enjoying what is left of live.

When my family and I passed away with M/n not aging a bit, I hoped that when I was reincarnated, I would reunit with him when older.

"I will be waiting until you find me or I find you in your next life," M/n said he looked at the urns of Agni, Scarlet, Ved, and I.

Author Note

Thanks for reading.

Now it is time to say bye-bye or alavida to Prince Soma.

The childish growing Indian prince with a loyal servant named Agni.

To be honest, in the wedding scene, I was thinking of doing a blah, blah, blah explanation... but that is rude to a culture.

I declared myself to be an atheist because I can't seem to understand religion like other people do. So, I will have to bare the few questions about how this world was created and we existing. 😡😛😶😴☮


Is it wrong to not enjoy kisses and hugs?

I just feel uncomfortable when being kissed or hugged by anyone. Within family, my parents, my friends, and definitely wanting to avoid strangers.

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