Costume Ball (Part 1)

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M/n pov

     "What is the plan today?" I asked.

     "You are to do the laundry, clean the dishes, and then dust around the place. After that, you would be free to do whatever you want." Claude replayed.

     "Okay!" I said.

     I had did some laundry that needs to be washed. Next, I had cleaned the dishes after the master had his meal. After the dishes were cleaned, I was eating my own breakfast because reapers do need to eat. Hannah came into the room. Her eye was missing and wounded.

     "What happened Hannah? Who did this to your eye? Are you alright?" I asked Hannah in worry.

     "I am alright M/n. It is just a small injury from his highness. It was my fault in looking into his eyes when I wasn't suppose to. Nothing to worry about. You could just continue with your morning meal." Hannah responded.

     "Okay, if you say so. However, I am going to see if your eye is really alright later in the day. I don't want my friend to suffer from the cause of a missing eye from the eye socket." I said as I was leaving Hannah in the servants quarters. 

Hannah pov

     M/n is so sweet and innocent. He is willing to worry about other people. Especially demons, even though our kinds don't true get along well very much.

     He reminds me of Luka when he was alive. Luka was also sweet and innocent to care for his older brother with all his heart. He even made a contract with me to make his brother happy.

     Whoever M/n was living with must want to keep his innocence after death.

     "I will be waiting for you when you check my eye. You are my best friend." I said to no one because M/n had left the room a few minutes ago. I went to do some chores around the manor.

Alois pov

     There are going to be some guests coming to my manor. The reason for the guests coming here is because I am hosting a ball here at my manor. The attire has to be a costume.

     I hope everyone is going to enjoy this ball. I also hope to make Ciel Phantomhive jealous about my new servant.

     Although, I am having some second thoughts about keeping M/n a secret from everybody else for show. Especially from that Aleistor Chamber person. He is a creep that has too many opinions about people that interests him.

     "How is the decorations coming along? Are there enough snacks for everyone? Did everyone got their invitation as planned to be given to them?" I asked the triplet demons.

     "Sure the decorations are fine as you want them" Timber said.

     "There are snacks available to everyone that would want some to be passed around and a food table," Thompson said.

     "The invitations were sent to the people on the list," Canterbury said.

     "Good! I hope everyone is going to enjoy this event as much as I like it!" I said. "Now, you guys can go back to work."

     The triplets then went back to work as they are suppose to be doing.

Triplet pov

     "The young master is crazy today with this party." "I agree." "I just hope the M/n is coming along. He would be great looking in the costume that was given to him by Claude."

     We were sure that it was a nice outfit. The outfit he would be wearing is a girl's dress. M/n is going to be dressed as a neko, or person with cat ears and tail.

     "Hey guys! What do you think about this outfit? Does it suit me? Is it okay for this event?" M/n said as he was done changing in his costume.

     "It looks fine on you. You shouldn't worry too much about what other people think about you. Besides, we are here to support you if things get wrong." "Yeah, you look fine M/n. It looks wonderful for this event." "Yes, you look like a cute cat waiting to have some fun. After this ball is finished, would you like to have some fun with us? I am sure you know some decent games to play."

     "Thank you guys! Sure I would love to play some games with you later. Now, lets meet with the other guests!" M/n said as he left to serve out some small sandwiches. 

M/n pov

     "Hello mister! I say, nice Sherlock Holmes costume. Is Dr. Watson with you?" I asked a Indian man in the Sherlock costume.

     "Finally someone knows what I am dressed as. Also, thank you for the comment. I am indeed dressed as Sherlock Holmes. Dr. Watson is right behind you. He is my khasama, or servant as you wish. It is nice to meet you, kitty." the Indian said.

     "Hello mister. My name is Agni. This is my master, Prince Soma. May I know why you are wearing a dress?" Agni said.

     "I don't know. This outfit was just laying on my bed. So, I am guessing it is the outfit for me to wear at this ball. Is there something wrong for wearing a dress though I am a male?" I asked them.

     "Of course not. I think it is fitting for you. You know what? I fancy you immediately. Would you be my servant, or more likely my other person to be with for life?" Soma said.

     "I am sorry Prince Soma, but I am a servant at this manor. I am not sure if I want to be in a relationship now. So, I am guessing for maybe later in life when we do know each other better. Although, I don't mind in being your friend." I said to the prince.

     "Okay! We are friends! I hope to see you more in the future!" Prince Soma said.

     "Yes, we would be happy to see you more in the future," Agni said.

     I then felt my attached tail being pulled from behind.

     "May I know what you need?" I asked the stranger. The stranger had a smile on their face.

To be continued in part 2

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