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"Hey Uncle Undertaker! What do you think we should do today?" M/n said.

"Well that depends. Grell said that he would kill me if you were to even be injured just a bit. He was worried about you last week because of the (stupid) angel. What do you think is best little reaper?" Undertaker said.

Undertaker and M/n were having tea and bone biscuits.

"Why don't you show and teach me how to do your job? It would be fun! Besides, it is either you or William who the council and Grell trust."

"I guess I could show you how I make my lovely guests pretty. Let's go."

Undertaker stood up and left to another room.

"After we are done eating these biscuits and drinking our tea."

After the snack time, they got ready. Undertaker gave M/n a black robe to wear over his red.

"Here is our first guest of today! He was killed in a vehicle accident. I wonder why that happened."

"He should at least be aware of the road if that happens. Look both ways before crossing." M/n said as he got the materials Undertaker would need to make the dead person good as new before his burial.

While they were having fun, they soon had lunch.

"What do you know I should get?"

"I don't know. At least make sure it is what you want. If it isn't, then you have something you don't like for awhile." Undertaker said as they were in a toy store.

Pluto pov

I was enjoying being in the garden for some time.

I really miss M/n being here. He was so cute and fragile. I wanted to protect him, but he was taken away from us over some night. No one knows where he is.

Today, I have caught a scent of M/n somewhere in town.

So, obviously I would follow it in case of finding the adorable red boy.

"M/n... I am coming for you mate."

"Hey! Where do you think you're going. Get back here

... says Oscar."

I ran with Snake to where M/n was.

"M/n" I barked in excitement.

I ran up to M/n and marked him with my scent. He is my mate, and I missed him very much.

"Ha, ha, ha. Stop it Pluto. You are tickling me. Wha-"

I didn't let him continue talking as I stole a kiss the human way.

Is it not the human way to kiss on the lips?

I was then kicked off. I became defensive because I want to protect my mate.

"Get off you mutt. You can't just kiss him like that. You think you can make him your mate automatically? Well, you can't. You would first need permission from Grell or me. Then you need him to agree with you before doing such acts. Besides, you should probably start wearing clothes in the public before wondering around." Undertaker said as they existed out of the shop and towards the Phantomhive manor.

Snake pov

I have no clue on what was going on, but I am glad M/n was doing well.

"Are your snakes going to kill me?" The store keeper asked. The workers also agreed as they were afraid of my friends.

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