Grell's Journey

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Grell's pov

Well... I am on the search of my brother all over England. I am now deciding if it is a good idea to start searching in other areas that the United Kingdom had claimed. My first search in in New Zealand. Then I would be touring around the other claimed lands.

New Zealand

"You birds are mean!" The birds started attacking me with their beak. "Stop it! Oh well. There is nothing here."


"I do not mean to take your joey, or child. I just wanted to get my brother back. Have you seen him? If you did, then could you point at a direction?" I said. 

The kangaroos were jumping away from me to get some water to drink.

India (Bengal region)

"Be careful to where you step around the place! You could hurt someone if you are not careful accidentally. Why do I seem to talk to animal?" I said as I tried to avoid the elephants. 

Before the elephants, I was near the tigers. Before the tigers were the peacocks. It was fun, but I didn't enjoy being chased by the tigers. The peacocks just walked away.

Hong Kong (Victorian Port)

"Do. You. Know. Where. My. Little. Brother. Is?" I asked a man who could speak English and understand it.

"No I have not," the man shake his head in a no. "I will try to contact you if I did saw your brother. Family is important and I have been a terrible brother for not taking the chance to take my place in battle before he passed away. My brother passed during battle and I wish he was here so that I would treat him with more respect."

At least this man is helpful. 

"Well, I will wait for you message if there is any clues of my brother," I said as I gave the man the contact information of where to sent the message.

Later, I had encounter with pandas. 

African places

"I am tired of this place. There are too many animals here. Why are animals so mean to me? I never did anything to them." I said as I ran for my life. There was a stamped of rhinos who were chasing me. 

Before it was fine. I was watching the zebras, lions, cheetahs, giraffes, and more just hanging out at the watering hole. 

Now it is a mess. Lucky I was saved by the natives. They could not speak English, so I went on my way to find more clues. 


"Don't you dare grab my hair with your teeth! Bad wolf! Show some manners!" I shouted towards the pack of wolf. They were tempted to pull my beautiful red hair.

"Sorry for trouble. I have not seen your brother before. I will try my best if you want." a nice lady said. I didn't like her taste in fashion, but I am guessing she doesn't have much to wear.

"Thank you for trying. I appreciate your help in finding my brother." I said as I waved the lady a farewell.

United States of America (Connecticut)

"This is ridiculous," I said as I was talking to a spirit.

"Well, that is the agreeable price for us. If we find him, then we could have some fun with him for a whole day. It is okay if you don't let us help you with your search. We would just be a bother in our torture while you are missing a brother." the group said. They were for some reason somewhere about 30 feet underneath a lake/pond/ somebody of water/?. 

"I think I would like to pass on your offer. Besides, my brother doesn't even know how to swim. I would think it would be best if he were safe on the land instead of the underground with water for him to suffocate. Farewell!" I said as I swam my way up to the surface. "Those ghosts were weird. Why would the owners of the house even want to move that much weight on a frozen body of water? Well, who cares. They tried to do what they wanted to do and failed with the heavy valuable objects."


"That is sweet. The tower is in good shape. However, M/n is not even here." I was growing a sadness in which I would never find my brother.


"I remember this place. It was filled with those werewolves. It was exhausting to get the job done. We even needed some help with the German reapers here." I said as I recalled the time where the brat, Bassy, and the servants were coming here for a case. (Emerald Arc?)

"Vot are jou here for Grell?" Ludwig called out from the roof. 

(I have no idea on what a German accent is or any accent at all because I have no idea what an accent is. How could people tell if there is an accent in someone's voice?)

"I am looking for my little brother M/n. He is about the height of 5 ft, red hair, the normal reaper's eye color, and he loves the color red. I am wondering if you have seen a child like that. He at about the age of a 13 year old." I explained to him about my problem.

"I see. Jour brother is missing. I vill help jou with jour search. I vill report back to jou if I find him." Ludwig said.

"Thank you!" I said as I went back to London to see if there are any changes.


"Okay, I got a few souls to get and then I go and report. I hope I could find M/n. It has been a few weeks, maybe over a month."

Later I was near the brat's manor. I wonder if there is anything interesting there.

"HELP ME" a familiar voice rang out.

"M/n! What happened to him? I am coming!" I yelled and went to where he is located.

Author Note 

I am alive!

I am busy with school and other books I might not continue for awhile. 

I just hope you are not mad at me.

I will post the next chapter as soon as I could.


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