Phantomhive Manor Visit

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M/n pov

     It was a few weeks since the ball. Today, we are going to visit the Phantomhive estate. 

     For some reason, some random guy just appeared at this manor for the ball. He is a lobster, but he wasn't there at the time. He arrived like a week later. I didn't want to bother him, so I just let him be until he realize where he is.

     Currently, we were on our way to the manor. Claude was driving the carriage with Hannah, and the rest of us were inside. 

     "What do you think of going to a new place M/n? It is sure going to be exciting, right?" Alois said. It was silent in the carriage.

     "I think it is going to be an exciting adventure for me to explore more of England. Thank you very much your highness for letting me come along with this trip." I said back.

     We then talked some more. It was interesting to learn about everyone, besides the topics that were confusing. They would always say "never mind" whenever I could understand what they were saying.

     We had now arrived at the manor.

??? pov

     It is going to be an exciting day today. I just know it. 

     I was currently playing in the garden and having fun with the birds. Then I spotted a carriage coming by.

     "Guys the guests are here!"

     We ran towards the entrance doorway and formed a line to welcome the guests into our home.

     When the doors were opened, I think I just saw the most amazing person that the world could offer. I want to spend some time with him because he is cute and pretty. I would try to do my best to impress him with all I got.

Sebastian pov

     "Welcome into the Phantomhive Manor! We are glad you can make it here. I am the head butler Sebastian Michaelis. The servants could join with the other servants in this place. Now, Lord Trancy, please follow me to my young master's study room to talk some more about the private matter." I said towards the guests.

     When the other servants went together to the servants quarters, I was leading Alois and Claude into Ciel's study.

     "Good the guests had arrived. Now, lets discuss about the recent case. Sebastian, make us some tea and snacks for us." Ciel said. (Really, can you not just say at least a please? Thank you? Where are your manners? Servants risk their lives for your protection and orders, you should show some gratitude for them. Is gratitude even a word?)

     "Of course my lord," I replayed back to him. 

     I made some earl grey tea and some snacks as the master wishes. Claude was just observing what is going on during this entire meeting.

     I wish I could just hangout with some cats and that pretty red maid that the Trancy had newly hired. However, I am bound to serve the young master until the contract is finished.

Finny pov

     "Wow! So you are the servants of the Trancy Manor! What is it like to serve for Lord Trancy? What are your jobs?" I said to the servants from the Trancy Manor.

     We have seen some of them, but the red boy in the maid dress is new. I don't think we had met him before.

     "I think doing our best to serve the master is the best you could do. If you do your job right or not bother with trying to improve too much could be best for everyone. Besides, it is your life that you are living in, and your master seem to be calm for all I know. He is a caring person who could be nice enough to help you earn a living. If he couldn't, then he is probably using you guys like chess pieces in a game." M/n said.

     The other servants just agreed with M/n by nodding their head in a yes. I guess they are not talkative. 

     We talked some more about things, and M/n responded to them all like he knew them very well.

     Then Plu-plu had came into the room with his suit. He stopped in front of M/n, but he growled at Hannah, Thompson, Timber, and Canterbury when he spotted them in the room. I wonder why, I just guessed because they were new to him.

     "Hey, I think Pluto likes you. Why don't we go out and play for a while?" I said to keep Pluto entertained before he destroys anything that would make Mr. Sebastian made at us. Mr. Sebastian could be very scary if he wants to be.

Bard pov

     We were currently in the garden. Finny and M/n were playing with the demon hound, Pluto. I sure wonder how M/n was able to get a job. He is very young to work, he might as well be younger than the young lord.

     "Hey, Bard! What are doing there? Come join in the fun! You all should have a little fun in your life. It is great!" M/n said from the tree he was sitting on it's branch. 

     "Fine," I replied as I join in the fun.

Claude pov

    It was later in the day and we were about to go back to the manor after the dinner. M/n sure seemed to enjoy the visit and meeting new friends. 

     "Bye friends! See you next time we encounter each other! Ha, ha, ha... stop it Pluto. You are tickling me." M/n said as Pluto was on top of him. He was licking in the way a dog would when they like someone in a friendly way. However, I am worried that the dog would want to make M/n his mate. 

     M/n is a pretty creature that is protected by my webs. He is not allowed to fall in love with anyone but me. I would have to try harder to make him impressed. For now, it is not the time.

     Later, we arrived at the manor and M/n had went to bed to sleep. Along with his highness for going to sleep in his own bed.

Grell pov

     "Where is he? Where is he? Where is he? Where is my poor, sweet, innocent little brother M/n? He isn't anywhere in this house. Where could he be? He isn't ready for the outside world. What happens if something bad had caused him pain?" I said in worry.

     I just came back home and I see that M/n is gone. He is no where to be seen. I called my friends and they don't know where he is. They were also worried about the whereabouts of M/n.

     I tried to visit the Phantomhive manor today, but Sebastian is mean to not let me in to talk for a while. He is rude to treat a lady like that.

     "I am a failure in being an older sibling," I said sadly in my room.

     "No you're not. You are the best sibling that M/n could ever have. He looks up to you. He could be in a safe place for what we would know. Besides, it isn't like he is in a place surrounded by demons, right?" Ronald said. William agreed.

     William tried to find some information about M/n, but there was no records of him. I totally forgot that he wasn't even in the reaper system. It only showed his human memories, which is burn by fire.

     This is sure to take a long time to find where M/n is.

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