Broken Pieces |Shaylor|

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| This is a v sad one|

Shawn's pov:

I let the blade cut through my skin re-opening cuts or cutting new ones.

This a for being ugly,this is for living,this is for Taylor who will never love me.

I cry there silently until I got up and cleaned my cuts I've made, While I was cleaning the blood I got a text from Cutie aka the one and only Taylor Caniff.

It said," Hey want to hang out?"

"Sure I'll be there at 5!"I replied back while I was bandaging my cuts

I re-fix my hair and checked my self to see if I looked like I was crying and made my way to Taylor's about with was right beside me which didn't take very long.

"Hey Shawnie."He says hugging me and electric flew up all over my body.

"Hey Tay."I said obviously hugging him back

He drags my arm upstairs and I winced because of the pain from the cuts earlier.

"Are you okay Shawnie?"He asked

"Ye-yeah let me go to the bathroom real quick."I stuttered and got out of his grip

I pull up my sleeve and saw blood I guess I didn't bandage well.

I sigh and got the first aid kit hoping Taylor won't notice things were gone from the kit.

"Shawnie you alright?" He asked

"Yeah I'm okay Tay I'll be right out."I said looking at my wrist and putting the Kit back where it was.

"Oh god I thought you were like doing something to hurt your self Shawnie you had me worry!"He said frowning engulfing me into a hug.

"Yeah I'm okay Tay no need to worry."I said smiling

"Shawnie can I look at your wrist?I need to know if you did it or not."He says in a sad worried tone

"Tay I'm okay I promise." I said nervous

"You look unsure give me your wrist please."He said

"Fine."I said looking down from this beautiful brown eyes In shame hoping he won't leave me like everyone else did.

He lifted up my sleeve and gasped and had tears in his eyes,"Why Shawnie?"He says

"Everyone doesn't love me they always leave me like you will be doing after this, and I feel so out of place when we are at magcon..."I said

"Anything else you need to tell me?"With more tears streaming down our faces

I can't believe I'm doing this but,"I always loved you from the start Taylor your bandanas,your loudness,just everything just makes me happy..."I said looking away afraid of rejection

He lift up my face with his fingers and kissed me I felt fireworks no bombs it was passionate and full of lust,"I love you too Shawnie."He says resting this forehead on mines.

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