Skinny Dipping | Jolinsky |

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This one goes my best friend bc he reads my book and actually likes it and I'm really worried at him tbh.

Jack Johnson's pov :

"I'm bored babe."Jack comes out of no where

"Holy shit Jack you scared me you asshole."I mumble

"Sorryyyy baby."He says pecking my lips

I went back to what he said First,"Well it's 11 and basically nothing is open."I said

"Let's go skinny dipping"He says

"No the water is cold asf."I said

"Please."He pouts

Fuck him and his eyebrows,"Fine."I groan

"Yay!! you go get the clothes and shit and I'll start the car."He says running off

I sigh going upstairs and I get the stuff and head down stairs to the car.

I made sure I locked the door and get in the car with Jack.

We drive out the drive way and went down the road which was basically quiet because everyone is sleeping like we should but noo.

He takes my hand in his and continues to drive for an hour which felt like 10 minutes because I fell asleep.

"Wake up bitch."He yells in my ear

"Fuck you asshole."I grumble getting out the seat

I get tired so Gilinsky lowers a little bit for me to jump on his back.

He sets me down when I get there and we strip off and Jack runs in.

"BABY COME IN!"He yells

I sigh and run in with him gasping as the cold water hit my bare skin.

"Awe it isn't that bad baby boy."He says

"Yes it is my dick is freezing."I said

"Me too but it's fun !!"He exclaims

"No."I said

"Meany."He says getting closer to me

"Nah you're the mean one."I said

"Ya lying."He says kissing me passionately

We pull away out of breath, the moon reflecting on the water and soon I forget that my dick was about to fall off and I only kept my mind on Jack.

"I love you baby boy."He says kissing my forehead

"I love you too."I said pecking his lips.

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