hybrids and abuse ( jolinsky)

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jj's pov:

I stare at a caramel brown pair of eyes making me scared and I just behind my tail.

"I'm sorry love I didn't mean to scare you."he says picking me up and I become my cat form.

"How old is he?"He asked Karren the worker here

"He's about in his teenage years,he's about 17."she says

He nods and puts me down as I became human form again,"I want him."

She nods."Come here to sign papers Mr.Gilinsky and Jack pack your stuff."She says as I nod and I get packing as they walk away

I finish quickly and so does I think mr.gilinsky does too,"Come here kitten."He says in my ear making it perk up he picks me up and I became cat form once again so it's easier for him to carry me.

"You're beautiful."He says kissing my neck making me purr.

I stayed quiet."Let's go home now shall we?"He says as I nod

We drive in a comfortable silence making me grow attached to him.

"So kitten it's a very long drive so we can either talk or you can sleep."He says focusing on the road

"What ever you want."I said quietly

"Okay so tell me about you like likes or dislikes."He asked

"I like cuddles."I said smiling

"We can do a lot of cuddling then."He smiles

"I dislike baths like very much."I frown at the thought of baths

"ah kitten we are going to take a lot of baths together."He says hiding his smirk

I let out a whine,"Don't whine kitten."He says and I what I was commanded.

I yawn,"Go to sleep kitten we will be there by the time you'll wake up."He says

I nod and I closed my eyes and fell asleep fairly fast.

I felt some one pick me up softly and I was put down on a bed and I felt the bed shift again and an arm around my waist and I fell asleep once again

"Kitten wake up I want you to meet my wife."He says

My eyes shot up and I sat up and he chuckles,"Come on kitten."He says as I trail on behind him.

"This is Madison kitten now I'm going to leave for work please call if some thing is wrong."He says and I nod as he walks out the door.

"Listen here you pathetic cat stay away from my husband and I relationship or else I'll cut your fucking tail off." woahhh 0-100 real quick but I nod and turned to walked away

"You think I'm done with you."She laughs and smacks me leaving a sting as I hiss in pain and kicks me with her heels

"What kind of fucking owner are you? beating the shit out of me I may like guys but he's taken I'm not a whore like you we all know you have your legs opened 24/7 so instead of beating me go to school and learn how to be classy again instead of beating me with those ugly ass heals and just because you're hella rich and you have everything doesn't give you fucking rights to beat me up on the first day you meet me"I blow off

"Ha I just recorded that now just a few touch Jack will put you back in seconds."She says as I scoff

"They put a microphone in my ear and the owner can hear everything you say and what I say."I said

"Well I guess I have to cut off your ear."She threateneds

"Oh honey he already heard it."I said and she turned pale as Jack burst through the door

"What the fuck is wrong with you."He screams at Madison or thotison depends right now

"HE WAS TRYING TO BREAK OUR RELATIONSHIP!"She used a bitch ass excuse

"Yeah cuddling and talking is apparently dating is breaking up a relationship."His voice was full of sarcasm

He picks me up and I turned into cat form because I like being a cat it makes me cuter and I have bruises all over me.

"Give me the damn cat we don't need that fag anyways."she says his her voice dripping in venom making me flinch in jacks arm

"Get out and take your shit with you i don't need a fucking a busier in the damn house especially some one who beats a hybrid who they barley know of."He says pointing to the door

"But but Jack we can work this out!"She says

"No bitch bye."He said pushing her out the door and locking it as I cling on his shirt for dear life.

He sets me down and he brings out a suit case and he puts all of Madison's stuff in there and throws it out the window as Madison bangs on the door and along with 3 more suit cases and we hear ugly sheriks

Gold digging bitch,"Kitten are you okay?"He asked softly

I put my head under his hand assuring him,"Can you turn to human form?"He asked and I back away

"I need to clean you up kitten."He says picking me up and setting me in the counter of the bathroom.

I turn into human form once again and I looked in the mirror in disgust,"I'm sorry you had to go through the on the first day you came here kitten."He says and I nod basically saying 'it's okay'

"You don't talk much do you?"He said and I nod

Once he gets me all cleaned up he sets me on the bed and goes in his closet bringing a pair of boxers and a large white t-shirt.

"Put this on kitten."He says and I shooed him away for him to not look and he chuckles

I quickly put it on and I signal him to look again,"Damn."He he mumbles

"Go to sleep kitten."He says in my ear and then my eyes started to fall once again leading me into a deep sleep.

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