Traitor? |Jolinsky|

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Jack J pov:

"Jack I miss hanging out with you."I said

"Same."He says

"Why don't you even want to be with me it's always about Madison now."I said looking away

"Well she is my girlfriend."He says

My head hurts as he says 'girlfriend'.

"But it doesn't mean you always have to hang out with her."I said frowning

"But I want too."He says

"so you're going to throw away 15 years of friend ship away?"I asked

"I don't know."He says

"Jack you only known her for 6 months and you're leaving me for a girl??"I said angrily.

"Woah! who said I was leaving you?"He exclaims

"You sure act like you are leaving me."I said

"But I'm not !"He says back

"Yes you are."I argue

"No."He says

"Yes."I said back

"Jack I would never leave you."He says

"It seems like it's Jack and Nash, and Jack and Madison now."I said

"It's still Jack and Jack."He says

"No it really not."I said

"Yes it really is."He says

"You left me for Madison one time and Sammy and Nate had to comfort me because we basically fought that day."I said trying my hardest not to cry

"Stop overreacting."He says

"You always leave me for Madison, you always talk about Madison,I'm always third wheeling!"I said

"Then get a girlfriend !"He says

"I don't swing that way and I told you that, wow gee Jack thanks for remembering I was gay."I said rolling my eyes with out tears falling out

"I'm sorry."He sighs

"No you're not."I said

"Why are we fighting about this anyways ??"He asked

"Because I like you,I like you a lot."I said widening my eyes after I confessed.

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