Chapter 1

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(ᴇᴅɪᴛᴇᴅ, ғᴏʀ ɴᴏᴡ)

Elenora's Pov

 "Elenora sweetie, can you please go get your brothers?" Mom said while setting up the dinning table. My mother is the sweetest and nicest person you can ever meet. I get that from her, I am nice to everyone not caring if they treat me bad, just like my mother. 

People say I am the mini version of her, she is around 40 but looks 20 or 30, she has pretty brown curly locks and fair skin, she also has blue eyes with sparks of gold in them. Her eyes shine like the moon. Like literally! 

"sure mom!" I reply. I get up from where I was sitting and go upstairs. Our house is like a castle. Its so huge! Even though I lived here my entire life, Its so hard not to get lost. 

I knock on my brothers room and stand there for a while. 

My brothers Derick and Dean are twins and also the heirs. They Moved out as soon as they turned 18, but still come over to visit. They stay here like most of the time. So I don't understand why they moved. I knock again, hoping they will open up soon.

"Whoever is at the door leave we won't be coming out anytime soon!" I hear Derick's voice yell from the other side of the door.

"But its lunch time?" I whisper-yell back. As soon as I said that the door opened and I see a smirking Derick. "don't you want lunch?" I ask tilting my head to the side looking up. He looks at me and pulls me in his side. He looks down at me and kisses my forehead and I hear him mumble something under his breath, "What did you say?" I ask. He smiles and says "why don't you go and we will come after, right Dean?" he says, strait up ignoring my question. Dean nods not looking up from his computer. Derick then looks back at me and I also nod. When I try to get out of his grasp he holds on to me tighter. I look up and give a confused look.

"Can you please let go?.." Dean clears his throat and Derick instantly lets go if me. They are so weird sometimes. I walk or more like run out of there sight and go back down stairs. Sometimes I think they act like that because there are the soon to be leaders of the mafia, being in mafia is not easy so they might have trust issues.

"Mommy, they said they will be down in a couple of minutes!" I yell from the stairs. My dad who is on the phone me a pointed look, the one that says 'shut the hell up if you don't want to die". My dad has lots of work to do but like the amazing dad he is, he still finds time to be with the family. dad ends his call and sighs. 

"Daddy are you OK?" I ask carefully. Dad is not a person that tends to take to stress. He is a very chill person. The only time he gets mad or worried or even stressed is if its related to the family. He loves our little family a lot. "Yes, cupcake. I am just thinking if I am putting to much stress on the boys. They just turned 23 and I am already handing them so much work. Taking care of an whole empire and mafia business is not easy" Dad say worriedly. Mom puts a hand on dads shoulder and smiles sadly at him "Robert honey, everything will be alright." 

I gasp softly when I feel two hands massaging my shoulders  "Dad don't worry, your not stressing us" Deans says out of nowhere and I look up to see him grinning down at me. As a cue Derick clears his throat and Dean removes his hands from shoulders and goes to sit down but not before sending a glare to Derick's direction. Dad claps his hands together, making us all look at him 

"I was thinking that we should do the ceremony at home..." dad trails off . 

"Where Derick and Dean get everything past on to them and meet the Hernandez daughters" mom finishes and wiggles are eyebrows. Me and dad laugh while the twins groan.

"Mom, no offence but the Hernandez daughters are like the queens of sluts. These types of girls are only good for warming beds not marrying" Derick says and Dean nods saying exactly. 

Mom and dad both look at each other and sigh. "cupcake, have you found anyone that you like?" dad asks and I find myself blushing. Maybe because there is someone. 

"Uhh. m-maybe. I mean he doesn't know I like he is like a crush. But he asked me out I was going actually ask you for permission. Oh and his name is Jordan. He is actually the same guy that was my partner for the physics project an-" I was rudely cut off by Derick asking series of questions 

" Is he from any big family that we know of? I mean what is his father company name? And is he a heir?". Dad nodes his head. "Go head, cupcake tell us." He adds. I look down not knowing what to say, cause Jordan is not from a big family nor does his father own a company. Then I hear Dean Laugh and Derick joins in to. "Let us guess he is just a poor fucker right?" and I slowly nod my head in embarrassment. 

"Listen cupcake, we respect your choice but I can't marry my daughter to a poor household. Its unacceptable, and Dean lets watch our mouth mhm?" Dean rolls his eyes and nods his head. 

"Lets at least meet this Jordan. He might be a good person and he might keep our daughter happy you know. Its not like we are going to marry are right away she just 17 so there is no harm in Jordan now is there any harm?" Dean and Derick stiffen a little but roll there eyes and dad just sighs. Again. "Cupcake do you really want to go out with him?" I nod my head eagerly like dog when he/she is about to get a treat. "We want to meet him first!" both boys say at the same time and dad agrees. 

I roll my eyes I mean I am not a five year old going out I am freaken 17 almost 18. "He will come pick me up on Saturday, so you will be able to meet him" I say. Everyone nods there heads and finishes eating. 

Oh Saturday will be a long day..


A/N: Hey everyone thanks for reading!! 

This is the First official chapter of this book and I am so damn HAPPY ❤ Thanks to all of you who decided to read this book! ❤❤

PS - I tried my best to edit this to the best of my abilities, but there still be mistakes.

Please vote and comment! Also give me a follow❤❤

Thanks once again! ❤

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In the Hands of the Two Demons (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin