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Tony's POV

"She's with Enrique?" I asked Alex. He slowly nods his head and puts his hand through his hair. That bitch really stayed with him.

"She stood with him after I found out they were together?" I needed to know.

"Papi, I think you should know how long they were together BEFORE you found out." He looked at me. No, no. This can't be. She was cheating on me this whole time? With my ex-best friend?

"What?!" I said astonished.

"Mami told me everything about it, I wanted to tell you one day, but she never let me see you. And she would always hear our conversations when we would talk on the phone."

"Clean up, whem you get out of the shower we're gonna let everything out on the table. No sugar coating, alright?"

"Ta bien pa." He grabbed the towel and headed for the shower. This can not be happening, why, why now? Was she cheating on me this whole time? Was our relationship even real? Was I just her side nigga?! This bitch thought she could get away with this shit, huh? Hell no, Alex is my son, he's his father's son. NOT hers. Who the fuck does she think she is having more than one guy with her? I went downstairs and told my staff to get Alex's room and clothes ready, and to go grocery shopping to buy extra food for him as well. I just want him to feel as welcome as he should, because this is his new home now. Not with Francelys.

Adriana's POV

I wanted to cry so badly. So much shit is going on with these fucking press and paparazzi bombarding me about Romeo. I just want someone to talk to about how I feel, I'm usually closed in. And I don't really have any friends at all, my sister and I just started to become cool again, and my parents live in Albuquerque. So I don't really bother them. I never really thought I would need someone to be there for me, for me to depend on them. After everything that happened in the past, I isolated myself from the world. Never communicated with anybody, I always kept my feelings and problems to myself. It would only make me look like I wanted attention, that I was in needy for someone to pity me. It's better off to stay alone than to be with someone always on your back.

Tony's POV

"Alex you good in there?" I knock on his door.

"Yeah I'm gonna come out in a few I'll be right down!" He shouts back. I tell him okay and go back downstairs. You should've seen how the boy looked when he came here. He was pale as if all his blood from his face drained and he looked like they haven't fed him in days. I quickly tell my chef Eddy to cook something for Alex in case he was hungry. He agreed to make some burgers for us and fries with some shakes. While I waited downstairs I had so many notifications from Instagram but before I could check them Alex came down.

"It smells good in here." He came down, wearing some boxer shorts and a tank top.

"You hungry? I told the kitchen to make something quick for us"

"Yeah, last time I haven't eaten was like yesterday I think." I knew it.

"Alright, I have a feeling your mom feeding you has to do with the story, so come here," I motioned him to sit down next to me on the couch.

"Okay, so she told me that this all started even before I was born-"

"What?!" I shouted back.

"Let me finish wait, okay so she told me that her and Enrique knew each other since you guys were close. She told me how he would flirt with her and she would try to deny because she was with you. But it would change because she developed feelings for him, the same time estaba contigo. Depues eso, she started to see him and she said something about 'hooking up', and they've been together ever since. She would always leave me at abuelas house and go to him for a few nights. I always thought of my actual home being there, that's how many times I would be there. Then there was a time where mami finally introduced me to him, as my step dad." My blood was boiling at this point. I can't believe, ese maldita cuera!

"Whenever he would come home late, he would come home drunk from the bar I guess. And he would tell me to do these stupid things for him that I never agreed to do and he would smack me or hit me and call me all these names like 'dumbass' or 'idiot' trying to make me feel bad about myself I supposed. And there was this one time where he got a bottle and smashed it against my back. Luckily I was wearing a shirt but it still left a bad mark," he lifted his tank up and showed me a huge scar from the bottom back of his neck to his mid-back. "And mami broke up with him because of that. After a while he apologized and mami took him back, but I never forgave him from that day. After he smacked me earlier I knew that was the last straw, I just ran away. I thought I would be better off with you, but mami would always say that you left me, you left us for something better. But I never believed her." He took a deep breath and looked down at the floor. This really can not be happening. No, he is my son. My son. Not Francelys, nor Enrique. MINE.

"Alex, son, do you know what hooking up means?!" I asked him through my teeth. He shook his head no.

"For all we know, you might be HIS son." He stood up from the couch with tears at the verge of his eyes, threatening to come down.


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