The Past Will Hurt

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Anthony's POV

"I'm like 100 pounds and you like what 159? How is it so hard to pick up your own son when he sleeping bruh?!"

"You the dique BIG MAN of the house asi que wake yourself up and get the fuck up!" I argued back with Alex. Yeah, we still arguing about what would happen if he fell asleep.

"You know what, when you want me to go outside and get some oreos for you I ain't doing it! Vete y buscalo tu mismo!"

"Ay si Como no!"

Adriana walked in and stood there watching us argue. She walked towards us and stood in between us.

"Can ya just SHUT THE FUCK UP? Jesus its like ya arguing over something important." She yelled.

"Not my fault my bum looking father won't carry me to the car if I ever fall asleep!"

"I'm gonna feed you odee sweets just to keep you up!"

"Anthony you do know he's gonna get a sugar rush, which will give him a better chance in falling asleep faster."

"Then I'll wake you up with cold water if I even see you blin- why you defending him though?!" I stated. Adriana started to laugh while Alex stood there laughing with a grin on his face.

"I swear, I don't know how ya handle each other; being in the same room with him gives me a migrane." Alex walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water.

"Do you know how much you cried when you was a baby? Ay dios mioo... I could never sleep in the same room as you. All you ever did is whine about your fucking-"

"CALLATE COÑO!" Adriana shouted. I got scared and stood quiet.

"I swear ya are some pussy ass boys. Yes BOYS because MEN don't argue with 12 year olds." She replied back to my silence.

"Haha." Alex said.

"That goes for you to, don't think this is all his fault." She said quickly to him. He lowered his head and I bit my lip to prevent the laugh coming out.

"Anyways, we only have like two more boxes so let's go I'm tired." She stated.

"Alright, I got the box over here, Adi grab that one it's lighter."

"You know I'm not that weak right?" She smiled.

"I know," I smirked "you're capable of so many things boo." I winked. She gasped and her jaw dropped.

"Oh my god shut up!" She smiled and walked out the door.

Adriana's POV

I don't know when to tell Anthony about what happened between Nash and I.

I mean, I can't keep secrets from it, its not healthy for our relationship. But j also don't want him to worry about me. He has his career to take care of; the stress of a guy trying to chase his girlfriend will ruin something on the way of his career.

I just won't tell him until he's free from stress. Next week he was a few shows and its the holidays. Yeah, I'll tell him after the holiday's, or a day after the days after Christmas..

We got in the car and drove off to our home. Huh, felt good to say that. When we got in we started to unbox all the boxes and fix everything up.


After we finally finished unpacking all my stuff, I sat down (more like laid down) on the couch.

"Aw, my baby tired?" Tony came in. I yawned and nodded lightly.

"You're adorable you know that?" He laughed softly and kissed my forehead. "Come on, its really late. Alex is already sleeping, so you should be too."

I was too sleepy to realize what was going on, but I felt myself elevate from the couch and arms go around me. I opened my eyes a little and cuddled into his chest with my arms loosely around his neck. We got to our room and he softly laid me on the bed.

"Wait," I said softly "aren't you going to sleep?"

He smiled, "I'm gonna change babe. I'll be right back." I nodded and turned around. I was about to knock out until I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out to check what it was.

~New Message!~

UNK NO.: Hey baby, thought you could escape from me?

What the hell? I hope this isn't Anthony playing games.

Me: Who is this?!?

UKN NO.: Don't you remember our little encounter from earlier?

How the fuck did Nash get my number?!?

Me: How did you get my number?!?

Nash: I have my ways.... Now I tried doing this the easy way, but you don't wanna do team work. So this is gonna go the hard way.

Me: Wtf? What do u mean ?

Nash: What I mean is that I want you to be mine! I've been crazy these past months looking for you and when I finally do you're still with that damn Latino! This is your last warning before we do this the hard way.

Me: First of all, I'm happy with him. Happier than I'll ever be with a gringo like you! If you actually went dique crazy over me you would've known that I'm famous on Instagram so it really isn't that hard to find me. Leave me the fuck alone before I CALL THE COPS ON YOU!

Why do things like this happen to me?! Everything was going out so fine and now this.

Nash: Alright, you asked for it. Better watch out. You've been warned. Just know that the past hurts. Badly. It makes such a great dent in life that at times it'll come to bite you right back...

Me: Yeah, whatever.

I put my phone down and looked up. What did he mean by the past? I've never seen him in my life, maybe a few times on Instagram or YouTube, since he's a YouTuber and Viner, but never in person. Only that one time when we went to IHOP and he was our waiter. Will this affect my future? What did he mean by "the hard way"?

My thoughts were interrupted when Tony came in the room and laid down next to me.

"You okay baby? You look type stress all of a sudden.."

And that's when the biggest lie in my life finally came back to haunt me.

"I'm fine."

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