Surprise Arrival

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Adriana's POV

"Excuse me?!" I shouted. This shit isn't happening. No.

"Zac told me to kidnap you because he wanted you for himself. But when I first saw you, I realized why he wanted you back so badly. Adriana you're beautiful. Any guy would want you, trying to take you for myself only made me feel selfish. He still wants you back but seeing you happy with your little Romeo got him mad and since he saw us in pics together on Instagram, he sent me to get you for him. I'm sorry you had to find out this way but to him this was the only way to get you back." He spilled out. I sat back down on the bed, trying to process everything that was going on.

"So if you want me, why are you helping Zac, and you know what he did to me now, what makes you wanna help him any more than before?"

"Because I thought that maybe, just maybe I could win you..." He replied softly. His eyes looked hurt, as if he was hurt and afraid of getting hurt again.

"Nash look, we'll never get together, and I'm sorry for that. But what I can promise you is, if you let me go and not take me to Zac, we can still be friends. Hell maybe even best friends. I understand how it feels to get hurt, no one wants to feel that. Just please, let me go." I looked into his eyes and tried to convince him to set me free. What I said isn't a lie, I'll be more than glad to be his friend. Just not near Zac, I won't bare to see his face ever again..

"Alright, come on I'll take you home." He grabbed his shoes and keys and started to put his shoes on. I slipped on my shoes and waited for him at the door.

"And Adriana?" He walked up to me before opening the door.

"Yes?" I looked up to him.

"I'm sorry for everything that happens before, those were the times when I wasn't thinking about you or your happiness. Or even how you felt at the time. It's not gonna happen again, trust me." He looked into my eyes and I smiled and brought him into a hug.

"Don't worry about Nash, that's in the past. Let's get out of here before anything else happens." He smiled and opened the door for me. We got into his car and drove off back to my house. I wonder how Tony is dealing with all this...

Tony's POV

I've looked for Adi everywhere, and nothing. I went to the police department and they set out a search party for her but they haven't found her yet. I'm extremely worried about her, she's tough but after finding what I saw the night she went missing I'm scared she's slowing giving up on herself.

Alex was already home with me, an he too was worried about Adriana. She treated him like a son and this happens? It has him going crazy too, so don't think I'm the only one.

I went downstairs to get some water and found Alex in the living room on his phone.

"What you doing there Alex?" I asked him above a whisper.

"Something I should've done before, track Adriana's phone." He looked up and showed me his screen.

I got excited for a moment, but then realized that maybe trying wouldn't be enough anymore.

"And how's that going for you son?"

"I don't know, because it says she's in front of the house..." He said slowly as he raised his head.

"Wha-" Before I could continue I was cut off from keys jiggling outside. The door opened and my eyes widen at the scene I was witnessing.

Adriana coming into the house, with Nash coming in behind her.


Just a little preview of what is coming to you guys in the next chapter! Here's what I'll do: if I get 10 votes in this chapter TODAY, by tomorrow morning you'll guys have the entire story of what's gonna go down...

Bye babes

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