Just One Chance Is Enough

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Adriana's POV

I hate waking up by my phone!!! I rubbed my eyes, trying to get used to the sunlight coming through my shades and read the caller ID. Andrea Marie. Oh no. My twin sister. If I hadn't mentioned her before, I'll just say it now. She's a bitch. When I was with Zac, she would always go in between us. Try to break us up with any little excuse she could think of. She was always the evil twin. The sad thing is that we look just alike, we're identical twins. So I look like her. I thought for a while and decided to pick up.

"What is it Andrea?"

"Well, hello to you too dearest sister." Hencing her sarcasm.

"Why are you calling me? I live on my own now, I don't need you bothering me the fuck off."

"I was just thinking about everything I've done to you. And I've realized I've been a bad sister. I want to make it up to you." I couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Haha YOU? Make it up to ME? HAHA good one!" I couldn't stop laughing so hard.

"Adriana I'm serious. I'm here in NY for a while until I go back to Miami. Can we just meet up for a day please?" She sound like she was practically begging for it.

"Fine, I guess. How does later today we meet at the Hard Rock Café near the stadium?"

"Perfect! Ciao!" And she hung up. Weird ass bitch. She better not pull anything shady on me. I got up from bed and took a shower to get ready. Before I met with Andrea I went grocery shopping since I didn't have anything else in the fridge. After I came out, I got dressed and put on my mint green one piece and my black skater shirt with my mint green converse. I left my hair on it's natural waves and put a mint green bow in the back holding up my twists to match. After I finished touching up I grabbed my leather jacket, put my phone inside my clutch and left. While I was walking down the block, I bumped into a guy with a hoodie on. Pero its like 10AM. Why does he have a hoodie on?

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't see you walking there ma'am." He had a raspy yet deep voice. I gotta admit it was sexy.

"It's alright. But maybe you wanna take that hoodie of so you can see where you're going more." I said giggling a little.

"I don't think that's a good idea." He said tugging at the ends if the hoodie.

"Oh come on, it can't be that ba-" I pulled his hoodie back and saw who he was. I really regret doing this. Why did I take his fucking hoodie off?!?

Tony's POV

"Oh come on, it can't be that ba-" She took my hoodie off and saw who I really was. Damn my cover was blown. I was expecting for her to freak out or something, but she didn't. She did the exact OPPOSITE.

"Are you serious?!? Romeo fucking Santos? What are you doing here?" She asked pissed. Did she not like me?

"I'm visiting my mom, you probably know her."

"Yeah I do, Ms. Santos is a sweetheart. I just can't believe she had you. You're the complete opposite." Yeah, she didn't like me.

"Excuse me? I'm sorry do you not like me?" I asked her.

"Um I don't know, yes!? You're a total dick you act like you're an actual king. It erks me how conceited you act." Ouch.

"Well I'm sorry that I don't act the way you wanna act. It's just how I am. And I'm not conceited!" This girl really has some nerves to say that to me.

"Don't lie to yourself kiddo, you think you can get more ladies than anyone in the WORLD. I be shocked if you never met Enrique Iglesias, now he's a ladies man. No argument there, thank you very much." Oh she did not say his name. I know she didn't. God how I hated that dude.

"Can you just be quiet please? You know what, bye." I said and walked past her. What, a, bitch.

"Adios, chimoso ass nigga." She mumbled but I heard it loud and clear. I rolled my eyes and went upstairs to visit my mom. Hopefully the rest of the day isn't like that argument just had. But wait, I never even caught her name.

Adriana's POV

After I finished grocery shopping and settling all the bags into the apartment, I grabbed my things and left to the café to meet Andrea there. Hopefully nothing goes wrong. I'm praying my life out that she doesn't play any of her tricks. When I got there, I ordered a small ice coffee and sat in a table to wait. To kill time I went on Instagram to see what was new. I'm not famous or anything, but I do have a lot of followers. So technically I'm Instagram famous. I saw that I had a few new likers and followers and a couple of comments on one of my selfies. When I was scrolling down my news feed, I felt a soft tap on my shoulder.

"Heeyyy sissy!" Andrea looked down at me and took a sit across me.

"Hi. So what did you want to talk about?" I wanted to sound straight forward but not too rude. I don't want to make a scene here in a public place.

"I just wanted to apologize. For everything. For the Zac incident, for backstabbing you, and for leaving you when you most needed me. I realized that, you're my sister, and there will be times when I need you. In order for you to be there for me, I need and want to return the favor. Please, just give me one more chance. If I mess this up then you have every right to stop talking to me for as long as we both shall live. Please forgive me." She looked into my eyes as if she was looking into my soul. Her eyes were pleading and searching for forgiveness. I felt like what she said, she meant it. And this time for real.

"I forgive you. But that doesn't mean I'll forget everything you did, alright.... Sis?" Wow, it has been forever since I called her that.

"Ah! Yay!!" She got up from her chair and she grabbed me into a hug. Hope I don't regret this later on...

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