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Soon life returned to normal across the lands. Even by the slopes of the Lonely Mountain. The kingdom of Erebor and the city of Dale became centres of trade like before. Thorin ruled the dwarf kingdom just and when time came, Kili took his place with an elf woman by his side. In Dale, Bard the Bowman became lord and when his time came, his son Bain carried on from where his father left. The dwarves of Erebor that had accompanied Thorin Oakenshield never forgot to visit Bilbo Baggins of the Shire. Especially Balin often paid the hobbit a visit. As years passed, stories became legends and some even became myths. Like the one about a firedrake aiding the united armies against the dark foe. Even those who had been there on the very day soon forgot such tales. The folk of Dale never spoke of dragons again and for all they knew, the last firedrake had died a long time ago. It had crashed into the burning city of Lake Town with a black arrow in its chest. The sight of a dragon among the survivors of the great battle had been called down as hallucinations and could not be proven otherwise. For all it seemed, peace had settled at last.

But the darkness still lived. Hiding in the far east to which it had been banished. Here it lay with seeking eyes and nurturing its strength. It knew it would not regain full power before IT was found. As years passed it began to sweep into the forests, the rivers and even through the air. None took notice of this however and it crept on forward and began to infester even the strongest minds. Not for long however. Its presence was noticed. The Lady of Lothlorien was wise enough to not dismiss the signs. She could feel it. She summoned the Grey Wizard to discuss the signs. They agreed the enemy had returned. Stronger than ever. The White Lady feared the time of destruction was neigh. She was not alone however. Far to the North. Further than any man, dwarf or elf had ever ventured. Here rose mountain peaks so high they were touching the sky. Cracks and only small patches of green could be found on the grey hostile rocks. The cracks grew in size and shape and welcomed with nothing but darkness. Despite one. In the dark void, a single light flickered in a bright golden shade before it grew into a strong auburn ray.

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