Chapter 9: Trolls

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In the evening, they made camp on a hillside. They ate the few rabbits that had been caught during the day. Smaug let Fenya wander around by herself. The other horses where bound. When all in the company had found a place to sleep for the night and settled in, Fili and Kili took the first watch. Bilbo was sore all over from the ride, but he had started to feel attached to the little pony. Smaug noticed Bilbo from her seat on a tree branch. He rose from his bed covers and approached the pony and presented it with an apple, which it gladly accepted, "here you go Myrtle" he said. He has given the pony a name how ever so charming, she thought. A terrible noise was suddenly heard across the hills and everyone payed close attention to the echoing noises. Smaug had to close attention to the noise and therefore did not hear what Kili and Fili had told Bilbo before they began to snicker. This earned a harsh glare from Thorin, "an orc attack is not a thing to joke about". The brothers looked ashamed, "we meant no harm", Kili said, Smaug joined in "the lads merely meant to scare our little hobbit, you should not be so harsh Thorin," she said in a low and annoyed tone. She wished she could be from any of their bickering. It was starting to get on her nerves, and she decided, she would end a quarrel before it had even begun. Thorin ignored her and continued his scolding, "you think before you open your mouth". Both Fili and Kili looked to the ground. Balin approached them, "do not take it too harsh lads", he looked at Thorin who stood by the edge and looked at the outstretched lands, which were illuminated by the moonlight. The other dwarves, Gandalf and even Smaug listened to what Balin had to say. The old dwarf sighed, "Thorin has more cause than most to hate orcs". The dwarves rose as the story went on. Azog the Defiler had killed the dwarf king in front of Thorin's eyes. He had fought the pale orc with an oak branch as shield and thus earning his name. Balin looked at Thorin with pride, "And I thought; There is one who I could follow, there is one I could call king" Smaug watched the scenery as Thorin turned around all the dwarves had risen. They believed in him and they trusted him with their lives. This blind trust could be their downfall if they were not careful. It was foolish to lay one's life into the hands of another. It was known, it was the truth. The dwarves became quiet but Smaug could not find rest. She had her back against the trunk and starred at the stars. The stars were her counsel; they were memories and sometimes provided her with wisdom. It was her choice, however, if she would heed them. She heard a small crack and looked down. A figure moved under her branch as it passed the large tree. She climbed down and followed it. A clearing came into sight as the small forest ended at another overlook. One could still see the small glowing lights from the campfire through the leaves but the snoring sounds could not be heard by weak ears. It meant Smaug could still hear them. She paid no mind however. The figure had come to a halt and gazed over the lands that laid before them. Smaug still stood in the shadows of the trees. The figure walked back and forward and Smaug recognised him as Thorin. He had his hands clasped behind his back and he had a frown upon his face Smaug had not seen until now. He turned his back to her and gazed at the scenery. He had not yet seen her yet. She realised this could be an opportune moment to get into that stubborn mind of his and maybe find out more about his plans for the Lonely Mountain. She stepped out from the trees and walked calmly towards the dwarf. She stopped by his right without looking at him but starred into the open, "The dwarf is silent in thoughts, what troubles his mind?" Her question results in a surprised Thorin, who looks at her. She continues to stare at the world in front of them. He was unsure of whether he should answer or not. To be frank he still did not trust her. That is why he to his own surprise answered her, "I am on my way to reclaim what is mine by birthright with only a small company. Some I know I can trust, some I am unsure of and some..." he peeked at her, "I am not sure I wish to trust". She knew without doubt he referred to her but did not mention it. She continued the conversation, "Why now? Why have you waited until now to reclaim your home?" She looked at the stars. "I have never forgotten the day if that is what you are asking. However, it is now the signs are right; birds are returning to the mountain, it can only mean, that the hideous beast is gone. Dead". She looked at him, not offended by his remarks; she had heard them all and ignored them for centuries, "What if the dragon is not gone? What will you and the company do then?" He looked at her, "Nothing shall stand in my way. I will reclaim what is mine by any cost" She narrowed her eyes, "Even if that price could be the lives of your family and allies?" She had known from the beginning that Thorin sought to take back the mountain with a desire even greater than her desire to take revenge on those responsible for the demons, which still haunted her dreams in the night. However, she did not think he would ruthlessly sacrifice his own kin. Thorin stared back into her eyes, "I would never put their lives in the line, just like I will never rest until the dragon I destroyed and I have reclaimed what lies within the mountain". Smaug looked at him, "I can tell you are speaking the truth, but is it from the heart or the greed that flows in your dwarven veins?" Thorin had not seen this question coming. He had honestly not given this subject a thought. The woman continued, "I would be so bold and say, they equal each other. You speak from your heart when you wish for a better life for your kin and would stop at nothing to keep them away from the sharp fangs of death and despair. However, the greed shines in your eyes when you think of the riches within the mountain; it is a dwarven trait and can easily be overlooked by the untrained eye. However, it does not mean it is not there. How honourable one's intentions might be." Thorin was taken aback by her words and found himself starring at her speechlessly. She had once again turned her gaze towards the vast lands, which lay before them. How could she know all this? Such insight was rarely seen amongst other races than elves. The wind picked up and her hair was blown away from her face revealing eyes with the colour of molten gold and fire. Thorin caught himself starring a little too long to his own liking and looked down and found an extremely fascinating stone. When he looked up again she had retreated to the camp.

The following day the company came across a small ruin. Not too long ago, it had been a farmer's home. The dwarves were tired and wanted to stay even though Gandalf tried to urge them onwards. The dwarves would not bulge and Gandalf left the scene infuriated by the famous dwarven stubbornness. Smaug, even though she had more patience than even Gandalf, found herself seeking away from the company to enjoy some peace away from dwarven gibberish. The night however did not bring as much silence as she had hoped for. Clanging swords and cries, from what sounded like a pig being roasted alive, interrupted her sleep. She grabbed her sword and ran towards the sounds. She passed the abandoned camp on the way and understood they were under attack and she could feel or rather, smell by whom. In a small clearing, her suspicions were confirmed. Three large trolls sat by a campfire and were preparing their dinner. A good portion of the dwarves. Roasting and complaining the dwarves were tied to a branch, which one of the trolls was spinning over the fire. When she investigated, further she noticed a bunch of bags to her right. The remaining dwarves and a hobbit. She got an idea. She sneaked up to Bilbo while the trolls were occupied by their intern discussion. He was startled at first but she placed a hand on his mouth preventing him from making any unnecessary sounds. She removed her hand, "I am going to find Gandalf, and you will have to keep those three from eating the company until I return. Keep them occupied. It does not matter what you say but just think faster than they think. It is not as hard as it might seem". He nodded and she hurried to where she figured Gandalf might be. She returned a few moments later. She could see the hobbit, who tried his best to negotiate with the dim-witted trolls. He was still bound in a sack. As if on que, Gandalf revealed himself just as the hobbit was running out of things to say. He smashed his staff down in the boulder he was standing on making it snap in half and revealing the sun. Smaug revealed herself as well and just as the trolls was turning into stone; they saw her and were struck by fear, "No! It lives!" one screamed, "It's said to never die you mor-..." another squealed but was silenced by its fate. When the dwarves left, the trolls stood as statues in the same position they had died. Bilbo approached Smaug, "What did the trolls mean by what they said when they saw you?" he looked at her with curious eyes. She kneeled down to be on his eye level and smiled, "I do not know master Baggins and I have no intention in finding out. What trolls say is often no more than utter nonsense". Bilbo seemed content with the answer and she clapped his shoulder, guiding him towards the company. She shared a concerned look with Gandalf before they joined the company.

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