Chapter 14: Last of His Kin

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Night fell. The company ahd made it down from the Carrock and had made camp between the trees. The terrain was still rocky but they were able find a flat place to sleep. The stars had come out and the moon shone bright, illuminating the small clearing they had found. Smaug lay on the ground. She starred at the stars. She had not felt any pain in her head but it still caused her to be deep in thought. This pain was... familiar. She remembered it. From days long past. Anwyn interrupted her thoughts. She lay on a blanket a few feet from her and had turned on her side so she was now facing her. "You look to the stars for answers?" Smaug did not look at her nor give her an answer "I sometimes ask the stars the questions do not dare ask my kin" Smaug did not listen to her. She had no desire to talk to the she-elf nor involve her in her business. She was tired of others trying to get themselves involved in her affairs and she was ever so frustrated "Why do you not answer the questions I ask?" Anwyn asked after a long pause. Smaug rose to her feet leaving a confused Anwyn. She walked through the trees and up a large rock. From the top she could see far and wide. The valley below, the mountains in the distance and vast forests. She could snse the dampness in the air and knew the fog would soon cover the mountain tops. She inhaled the night air and a small breeze caught her hair. She looked to the sky. Would it not be much simpler if she could reveal her true self now and end the company before they did the same to her? Smaug sighed. No she had given her word to Gandalf. One of the few beings in Middle Earth she could trust. He had said the dwarves, some more than others, still had a part to play but she failed to see why letting them invade what was now her home had anything to do with it. The mountain was her stronghold now. She heard someone approaching. She swore. If that she-elf had followed her to ask more sentimental questions, she would damn the consequences and get rid of that curious Noldorian. Big was her surprise when Gandalf revealed himself. "Trouble sleeping?" He stood beside and starred into the open. "I do not suffer from tiredness like most of you, Mithrandír" He smiled "I know. I also know that you fear the dark thoughts' return to your mind after all these years." She looked at him without showing her surprise. "I can guarantee I did not mean to awaken dark memories when I asked you to safe Thorin's life." "I know you did not but I believe it happened anyway. But it does not matter" Gandalf looked at her, "what do you mean?" She turned on her heel, "When I get back to mountain I will return to my undisturbed life and be able to fight the battles in my mind once again." She walked down the rock and headed for the camp, "and if anyone will try to rob me of chance of my solitude or for some reason, no matter how justified it might seem, my life they will not remain in this world long enough to see their plans being fulfilled. It is no more than they deserve." Gandalf called her name and she stopped, "and what of the innocents that gets caught in the crossfire? Do they deserve it too?" Smaug turned her head slightly without facing him, "A darkness is coming Gandalf. Whether it be by me or another innocents are going to die. It is the way of war". "War? What war?" she faced him fully. "The one that might come" She walked away but before she vanished, she looked at him again and gave an encouraging smile, "prepare yourself Mithrandír. My mind tells me something is coming and neither you nor I have the power to stop it. However, it does not mean we should not try". Gandalf was worried by her words but they only seemed to give strength to his suspicions. Something was not right in the last to the east.

The sun began to rise and the company was on the move. A howl suddenly echoed through the hills and the dwarves gathered themselves. Gandalf asked Bilbo to scout ahead and report what he saw. By the time he returned a roar too deep, to be a varg's was heard. Firstly Gandalf feared he had been spotted by the orcs but then he managed tell of what could only describe as "Something else" Gandalf face showed great concern "What form did it take? Like a bear?" Smaug knew what this might mean. And Bilbo's confirmation made it clear. They had entered the domain of the last skin-changer. "There is a house not far from here" Gandalf told the dwarves. They were about to argue but soon realised they had no choice whether to run for shelter or find another way. Smaug ran in the front not saying a word while Gandalf urged the others on. Anwyn was in the back and helped those who fell behind. Suddenly a gigantic bear burst through the trees, running after them. Anwyn raised her bow and was about to shoot at the beast but Smaug laid a hand on the weapon and made her lower it. In the meantime the dwarves had successful and opened the doors. They were now flushing in and as Smaug and Gandalf entered as the last the door was shut. The bear's jaws were caught as it tried to snap at them. Bilbo along with a few others drew his sword. The beast roared. Smaug stepped forwards. The bear growled at her. It stopped fighting to get in but stood it's place in the door opening. She looked the bear in the eyes before it withdrew and walked into the forest. "What is that?!" Ori asked Gandalf to which he answered "That is our host. His name is Beorn... and he is skin-changer". Smaug stood in the back and smiled. She was expecting this and had been for long time. She was awake when Beorn returned home. "You have grown slow, Beorn" she whispered. He looked at her yet not directly, "And you my lady, are in the company of 13 dwarves and an elf. Is food scarce around the mountain nowadays?" "I could use a chance. It is however not why I am here" he raised his eyebrows, "So why are you accompanying them. As far as I know you think lesser of dwarves that even I" "You are right I do not care about these greedy underground dwellers. Yet something is in motion and these dwarves, no matter how infuriating, are part of it." Beorn nodded. Smaug headed back to where she had chosen to settle for the night: as far from the rest of the company as possible. She noticed Bilbo and without making a sound watched how brought something out of his pocket. She looked at his hands and saw he was holding a golden ring. Suddenly the pain in her mind was back and she forced her eyes from the hobbit and what he held. In her sleep, she still heard the distant voices but could not distinguish them from each other. The following morning they were gone. Beorn introduced himself to the dwarves and told his story in as few words as he could. He offered Thorin his help and soon they set off on the backs of Beorn's horses. The horses brought them safe to the edge of a dark wood. The Mirkwood. Gandalf walked to the edge "The Elven gate... Here lies our path!" he called and told the company to let the horses return to their master. Gandalf walked further into the forest. As he walked, Smaug heard mixed voices. She recognised one as Galadriel. "Something moves in shadows unseen" Gandalf walked to an elven statue and removes a small bush revealing a symbol. A symbol that could only mean one thing. Galadriel's voice continued in her mind, "If our enemy has returned we must know. Go to the tombs in the mountains" Gandalf nodded "The High Fells. So be it". The dwarves were not keen on Gandalf's decision to leave them at this hour but they thought even less of the idea that the red haired woman would be in charge in his stead. "She is more than capable of this task. If I dare say even more than me" He turned to her and talked in with a low voice, "I know you are no stranger to killing dwarves and do not doubt you would do it again. However, as a personal favour to me: Spare this company. Guard them. They could prove you wrong in the end. If not so, orcs are drawn to were you go. As many others I know you hate orcs more than any other creature. Let your anger, bloodlust and frustration surpass to them" She smiled "Mithrandír I believe we are beginning to understand each other. I will give you my word that I will not cause intentional harm upon the company but I might in my thoughts when they become too frustrating" Gandalf smiled "Good. That is good. Nevertheless, be careful. I believe your mind is telling us of something beyond normal is on the rise. Dark shadows are creeping throughout the land. Tread carefully Smaug. If what the Lady Galadriel senses is true we might be in need of your strength and cunning in the times to come" Smaug nodded "Safe travels Gandalf." He smiled and rode away but not before calling to them that no matter what they must stay on the path. Thorin was the first to enter "Follow me" he told them. Smaug inwardly sighed. She walked as the last as they entered Mirkwood. Only she knew what might lie in store in the dark forest.

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