Chapter 28: Reasoning

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Gandalf rode as fast as he could. The horse was strong but he was still weakened himself. Had it not been for the White Council he would have been doomed. Lady Galadriel had arrived just in time along with Lord Elrond and Saruman. They had fought of the Nine and Sauron himself, banishing him to the east where he would regain his strength. Radagast had taken him to the forest to rest but he could not rest. He had to warn the dwarves and men of the army of orcs that were heading towards them. He had seen them. Legions marching from the fortress of Dol Guldor. This would be a battle. A battle he had hope they would win. Still something else troubled his mind. The ravens flying towards the mountain. How had Smaug faired? Had she truly been killed? No. Such thing was not possible even with a Black Arrow. Still he pushed the horse a little faster.

To Bard daybreak came to fast. He had slept dreary upon the previous night and day's events but got up anyway and saw he was amongst the first to rise. He looked towards the wall facing Erebor upon which he had seen the woman from yesterday yet she was nowhere to be seen now. Bard did not dwell on it and instead went to help what he could amongst the wounded and organized the people who were able to help. He then went Alfrid's post. He had been on guard duty but Bard knew that the weasel had probably fallen asleep. His presumption was correct. He reached the post and saw the little man sitting comfortably on a stone, back leaning against the wall. Bard however merely asked if there was any news. "All quiet, nothing gets past me" Bard was about to laugh when he stepped out on the yard and now faced an entire army of elves from the Woodland Realm, "Beside an Elven army off course" Bard mumbled and Alfrid who was just behind was about to protest but was interrupted by the sound of hooves. Bard stepped down and the elves parted, creating a path between the ranks. Bard had just made it to the other side when a giant elk and a few horse trotted into the yard. The king himself in front riding the giant stag. Thranduil rode past him and stopped in front of another person. The woman he still did not know the name of. "Welcome Thranduil to the ruins of Dale what brings you here" Thranduil nodded his head, "Thank you forgive me but I find it rather surprising to see your presence amongst these... survivors" Bard made his way towards them. Why were they talking as if they knew each other. "May I ask why you are surprised?" Thranduil glanced at Bard through the corner of his eye, "I saw the flocks of ravens heading towards the mountain and thought of an old tale I might have presumed to have a small flicker of truth to it". "My being here should be enough for you to see not all stories are true" she said, "So it would seem" He turned to Bard, "My people have heard you needed aid. Just as he had said it, charts came rolling through the street filled with supplies. People hurried past him and started emptying the charts. Their happiness evident and Bard felt relief, "You have saved us! I don't know how to thank you" Thranduil turned to him, "Your gratitude is misplaced. I did not of your behalf. I came to reclaim what is rightfully mine". Bard was confused. The woman came forth, " You brought your army for a piece of jewellery?" she asked him, "Indeed I did and I plan to use it if necessary". She crossed her arms, "Well knowing your lack of patience and Thorin's lack of diplomacy you might as well attack right away". Bard could not believe the scene unfolding in front of him; this woman was speaking so disrespectfully to the King of Mirkwood and same king was planning a war" he had to stop this, "Wait, let me talk to Thorin maybe I can reason with him". Thranduil stared at him and the woman let out a laugh, "You cannot reason with a dwarf especially not Thorin" she said, " Indeed, we march immediately!" Bard raises his voice, "No wait if there is a chance we can avoid bloodshed should we not then take it?" Thranduil stops, This is an argument worth considering off course but who shall go with you?" Bard had no time to respond, "I shall and you shall call your troops back now" The king looked at her with surprise, "Why so?" He asked wondering, "My motives are my own but you will wait until dawn if no compromise is made" The king nodded. ""Saddle your horse bowman we ride immediately" Bard followed her and only looked back to see the elf army retreat to make camp.

Smaug wore a hooded cloak which almost concealed her face. They rode in a small gallop and would reach the mountain soon. "You know the King don't you?" She heard Bard ask from her left, "Indeed I do but that is not a tale to be told here" Bard looked at her and she looked at him with a small smile. "When we are done with these affairs I might comply to tell you and answer some of those questions you have got on your mind" Bard nodded, "That would be appreciated". They both kept their eyes on the mountain and did not speak until they reached the gate. Smaug held Bard's horse while he tried to reason with Thorin. She smiled. I t seemed the sickness had taken its toll already. Just as she had foreseen. Now it was only a matter of time before he would be completely lost to the shadow. Her thoughts were interrupted by Bard, "We have to go or else he will send his arrows at us". She sighed then swung off her horse, clapping it in the behind and it cantered off. "What are you doing he's gone mad!" She looked at him, "Where you not in a hurry?" Bard frowned, "I can't just leave you here" she shook her head, "Do not worry about me. Just go back and bring the news to the Elf King". "All right then" he spurred his horse and cantered off. Smaug turned and called up to the dwarves she knew were on the wall, "Is that how you greet guests now Thorin Oakenshield! Pray do tell when the so called King under the Mountain became so impolite!". Thorin and the other dwarves peeked down at her, "How dare some mere woman utter such insolence!" Thorin bellowed. "Mere woman! I am no mere woman I am she who fights like fire and speak truth no matter who listens. I fear neither death nor pain and have saved the14 lives of your sorry excuse of a company"." It cannot be" she heard Balin utter. "That is impossible!" Thorin barked, "Nay I say it is very possible" She removed her hood and smirked at the wide eyes staring down at her. The she saw Bilbo peak down, "It's her, it's her! She is alive!" he cried out and Smaug could not help but shake her head, "Would you have believed something else little Barrelrider!" Bilbo shook his head and mumbled his "no". Smaug climbed the rocks with ease. When she stood before them they did not know what to do so she merely passed them and walked into the mountain only glancing at Throin.

Thorin did not know what to do. He was truly bewildered by this. He thought he would never see her again yet here she was. She would stand by his side he was sure. He had to speak to her.

Bilbo rushed after her and had to search for a long time before finding her. She was leaning against a column in the Kings' Gallery, "I see the floor has become golden," she uttered before looking at him. "You did not bother to remove it while I was gone?" She smirked. This time he was better prepared. "I know who you are Fray" He stood in front of her and she kneeled down, "Off course you do. For a creature living in a hole you are quite smart". Bilbo did not know if he should feel flattered, "What are you planning? To take back the mountain? Why is the gold so important to you?" Smaug sighed, "you have eyes master Baggins but you do not see. I never cared for the gold. The dwarves were digging to deep. Too greedily. They know not of what transpired in the Kingdom of Moria. Something I fear may come again once it is inhabited by dwarves again". "What do you mean?" Bilbo felt confused. " Does it not make you wonder why Gandalf had to leave?" Bilbo nodded. "He left because he was needed elsewhere because, my little Barrelrider, like I said to you once: A darkness is coming. It is close now and we must prepare ourselves." "We are already at war" Bilbo said but she only shook her head, "This is not the war. The war is coming which is why you must gather your courage" Bilbo did not know what to say and stared at the ground. How could he muster some courage now? "You must have some courage in you since you faced a live dragon on your own" He looked at her and he remembered he was the only one as far as he knew was the only one who was aware of her secret, "Are you going to tell them the others?" She nodded, "Indeed I am when I deem it right" She looked at him, "You have not told them yet? I am actually surprised" Bilbo was honestly just as surprised. "They said you are pure evil and you destroyed Lake Town why?" She shrugged, "It is in my nature and you poured molten gold over me in an attempt to kill me. Wherever I have ever wandered people have strived to kill me". "But you have laid waste to cities" Bilbo protested, "I have neither excuses nor regrets for that. But since there are tales does it not then mean some survived?" Bilbo nodded, indeed it did, "I am no different from Thorin. He has also taken lives. Destroyed families in war over something as silly as gold." Bilbo could almost understand, "When will you tell them?", "Soon". He felt a pang of fear, "Will you kill us?" Smaug looked at him and smiled, "At the moment I do not think I can. Some of the anger in my mind has lifted and I still do not know why. Perhaps I will never find out" Bilbo tried a small smile, "Is there any hope for us?" "There has never been much hope. But I believe there is a small foolish one here" She put a hand on Bilbo's shoulder and sent him off. Bilbo tried to look back at her but no one was there. He sighed, maybe just maybe he should try to trust what she had said. He ran into the halls and began to prepare his mind to what was to come.

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