Chapter 2: An Untold Prophecy

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The storm had come and passed. The forest began to shine in the beautiful colours that made the season and the animals went on their daily business. A fox hurried away. Scared by the approach of a much greater being.

The wizard took no notice of the surroundings. He had only eyes and ears for Smaug, who walked calmly beside him. They had been discussing their mutual, nagging feeling, that nature was not how it should be. They both sensed it. They sensed it in animals' behaviours, the growing of the trees and very air they breathed. Then Gandalf could no longer suppress the matter of Smaug's arrival anymore had to ask her the question that had hung in the air from the very beginning of their meeting. "What may be the reason of your arrival to these parts of the land ? I know that this is no chance meeting yet I would prefer if you would enlighten me to what lies behind your choice in leaving the Lonely Mountain". Smaug looked at him in a teasing yet not mocking way. "The question you have asked has lied on your tongue for far too long and despite of your already enlightened mind that shares few equals there are certain matters you do not know of. Let me tell you, Gandalf the Grey, I feel no greater attachment to the Lonely Mountain than other grant mountains that provides safety from prying eyes. As of the gold. I do not feel the same fondness of the metals, gems or fine artefacts that the folk of Esgaroth believe." Gandalf looked at her with an unreadable expression. She looked at the forest floor " I came to the mountain to find my revenge". She sighed. Gandalf chose not to press the matter and returned to his question, "Why are here?" She looked at him. Her eyes suddenly darkened. "You know as well as I that something stirs in the darkness. A sleepless malice. It has been forgotten and secured from the minds of mortals for a long time, but now it has returned. Before I attacked Erebor I was told in dream that an unlikely company would set things into motion they could never fathom in their search of revenge." Gandalf looked at her as realisation struck him and she noticed his suddenly troubled mind. " I know of your intentions to pass the key to Thorin, and I bid you to please do as your plans tells you. I left the Lonely Mountain because, as I lay on the stolen treasure in the greats halls of Erebor I saw in my grief something that caused me great sadness and I wish to prevent it." "What did you see?" Smaug looked into his eyes. Her pupils slit and her inner fire burning like an inferno through them. Gandalf could see blood, death, war and despair. However, he also saw hope. A small precious hope in that of a long forgotten prophecy. A prophecy younger than the outcome he had seen yet old enough to be that of destiny. It would save thousands of lives yet not prevent all the tragic events from happening. " I know of my own role as well as we both know of yours in the times to come" he said gravely. She nodded. "It is the only way I can make an end to the burning hate and anguish in my heart. If it means to end the lives of greedy townsfolk then so be it." Gandalf looked at her "So you wish to be the judge of life and death and you have no regards as to whom will survive or perish?!" "Of course I do! Do not question my honour wizard I have faced more death and blood than you will ever do. I know the taste of flesh and the smell of burned corpses no one better yet I have never taken a life without reason" The wizard was once again puzzled "If there is to be life, there must also be death. By the dawn of the day, I will not be responsible for who may survive and who may not. That lot falls to Destiny" It is the Valar who will decide which lives are pure enough to be spared and which are already to corrupted by the upcoming malice to be saved. They are the judges and I am their tool" A great sadness crossed her features and Gandalf realised that she had no choice in the matter. She had suffered and by doing this, she would finally be free of the ghosts of her past. The method was chosen, not by her but for her. It was not fair and it pained her, but she would do it anyway. By holding no regards, she showed courage like no other and for this, the Valar had chosen to rid her of the curse of death and suffering. She would never die, but her mind would never be lonely and she would be free to finally choose her own destiny. She looked at him and smiled, "I have the smallest request of you though, Mithrandír" Gandalf returned her smile, already aware of her plan yet asked, "And what would that be my friend?". Smaug smiled even wider. " I would appreciate if I where to join you as you will be on your way to your next meeting and perhaps follow the events of this upcoming adventure" The wizard chuckled, "you shall be most welcome. I think I will quite enjoy having another being of the old knowledge by my side on this journey. It will give me the chance to have a more enlightening conversation now and then" They chuckled as the friends they had become and discussed what kind of role, she would have to play in this upcoming adventure, that would ensure she would not be suspected to be that of the very goal of the quest.

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