Chapter 10: The Brown Wizard

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The sun rose higher to sky and shed light across the lands. It was due to this light the company found an old cave. It had recently been used and judging by the awful odour it must have belonged to the late trolls. It was littered with riches and the dwarves quickly began hoarding. Smaug observed the dwarves from the entrance. How she despised their greed. She did not let it show however and instead went to search the area around the cave for possible nuisances and to clear her mind. Even though her patience as a hunter and when observing things from a distance was incredible she found it utterly annoying to wait for those dwarves. Gandalf saw her leave but mentioned it not. His attention had been drawn to Thorin who had come across something of more interest than golden coins. The wizard made it clear to Thorin that finer blades where hard to find and it would be wise to keep the elven sword. On his way out Gandalf found a third blade and had an idea. Bilbo was of course not as fond of the idea as Gandalf but accepted the short sword. It was beautifully made with a perfect balance and it felt light in the hand. Perfect for a hobbit. Bilbo had no time for further inspection because suddenly the whole company was on edge. Something was coming towards them and it was coming fast. Swords where drawn and stances taken. Then, branches and bushes parted and out came a flash of various brown colours. It was Radagast. Gandalf assured them he was no threat and they let down their guards. They were, however, still suspicious of this queer person. The brown wizard brought ominous news and Gandalf thought hard of what it could mean. A necromancer in Dol Guldur and strange creatures infecting the Green Wood. But Radagast had more to discuss, " Is it true Gandalf? You are in allegiance with... " He made sure nobody was eavesdropping, "...the serpent of the North?" Gandalf looked at him, "Yes, it is true" Radagast's eyes widened with fear, " Bu- But Gandalf! This is no ordinary serpent, it is the Dragon dread, the Destroyer of Dale!" the brown wizard said flabbergasted. Gandalf tried to calm his fellow wizard, "Keep your voice down Radagast", Radagast could see his point but continued. In lower tone however. "The dragon's fangs are dripping with the blood of the innocent and has left scorched fields over all of Esgaroth yet you do nothing to end the creature. I just don't understand it Gandalf that is all". Gandalf placed a hand on Radagast's shoulder "She regrets the cause yet not the doing I can tell you that. Not from what she has said but from what I can see; a dragoness with no lust for gold but a dragoness none the less. Cynical but considerate and above all; wise" Radagast looked up, "she has seen more wars come and go than both of us and, when she sent out word, that dark forces are assembling, I answered it. " Radagast realised what this could mean, "My findings in Dol Guldur might prove her assumption ", "indeed". They were interrupted by a howl. The warg came out of nowhere but was stopped by an arrow piercing it's forehead which sent it tumbling down the small slope where the dwarves finished it. Smaug came into view, "there are more coming! Time to leave!" When she saw Radagast she acknowledged him and went up the slope the warg had come from and looked for more. She turned and was surprised if not irritated that the dwarves just stood there discussing and trying to decide which way to run. What came next however was undeniably an outrageous plan but it might just work. Radagast volunteered as a distraction while the company escaped. Smaug served as the rear party, picking up those who fell behind. The plan went on impeccably, that is until... they had to take down a scout. Both the orc and the warg screamed as they were mauled by steel blades. Smaug took please in cutting off the filth's head. Gandalf looked franticly across the landscape, "There" she heard him whisper and followed his way. A hidden passage in cliffs. Perfect! The only thing needed now was to get those dwarves to follow. They were of course oblivious to the fact that Gandalf had found a way out. Smaug went back for them. Barely holding in her anger and practically roared for them to move along. If they hesitated before they surely did not now. Gandalf urged them to go faster and soon everyone was inside the cave. Just then, a horn was heard. It was no orc horn and it signalled the downfall of their assailants. Dwalin went to scout around the next corner, "Do we follow it?" he asked. The dwarves agreed to follow. Gandalf looked pleased. Smaug gave him a questionable look, "You know where the path leads?" he smiled, "I know where the path leads". She could feel the wind through the tunnels. She knew it too and prepared herself for what might come.

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