Chapter 20: Desolation

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The fog still hovered above the water and as the sun rose bright rays shone down on small clusters of snow, which had gathered on the rooftops during the night. The many columns of smoke from the chimneys revealed that most of the townsfolk had risen early. Eager to witness what was going to happen in the early morning light. The dwarves were given weapons and warm clothes and soon made their way through the main street down to the harbour. As they walked chattering about the previous night and the joy of seeing the Lonely Mountain. Thorin looked up. Hovering above the rooftops stood the windlance. Small patches of ice glittered on the metal and Thorin could almost hear the whistling sound of an arrow. He had noticed it from Bards house as they arrived and it had been like seeing a ghost. The last time he had seen one, flames were raining down upon the city of Dale and his home was in ruins. All his dear ones, his friends... Friends. He thought of Frey and the argument the previous night. She had betrayed him and he had tried to lecture her, someone should. But had she betrayed them? She had kept her promise in doing things her way. Who was he to tell her what to do. She was a warrior. An even better one than himself and he had called her lesser things and disgraced her in the cruellest way. The rogue was who she was and it was what intrigued him. Thorin could see the boat now and he made a vow. He would apologize to her. Make her understand his intentions. If only he could find her in the madding crowd but he had no such luck. By now they had arrived to the boat provided by the Master and they began on loading the weapons and supplies. He now faced another problem. Kili. If he joined them he might not come back and his limp would slow them down. Thorin did not want to wait for him. He had wasted enough time already and not even the broken face of his nephew or Fili's determination to stay with him could change his mind. They crossed the lake in silence. As the sun rose and made the fog disappeared they finally saw the enormous mountain rise before them. They all stared speechlessly. A feeling of awe, fear and excitement roamed. They reached the shore and pulled the boat a long way until they found a few dead branches they covered it with. Bilbo was wondering why. Then Balin turned to him, "We better not make ourselves known to the beast before time" Bilbo nodded. This made sense. They looked around. Everywhere the ground was scorched and the trees were black and had not a single leaf. Although Bilbo tried he could not hear even a single bird chipping. This land was dead. Thorin urged them to move on. The reached a large cliff. From here they could see the ruins of a once thriving city. Dale. A long time ago this city was rich and full of life now it was only ruins. A desolation. The dwarves continued their search for the hidden door. None of them noticed a pair of fiery eyes watching them.

Smaug was in her dragon form again oh it was good to be back in this form. Feeling her wings and the warmth that flowed in her veins. As she watched them she became bitter. They had wanted nothing but her destruction. They did not even consider an act of agreement. They did not even consider she might not be a mindless beast. She got an idea. Maybe it was her time to play. Play a little trick on them. That might make them think other wisely. She smirked and crept into the confines of the mountain. She needed a well deserved rest. As she entered the hall of golden mountains, she laid down and thought. Those miserable, disgusting peasants and filthy dwarves could be plotting against her. Cooperating! Those cowards, using tricks to lure her to her doom like some other animal or even an orc. She knew her worth and being thought of nothing but scum angered her. Well, she thought, "if they want a monster I will give them a monster" she said to herself. Just before she dozed off a new thought hit her. What about her promise to Gandalf. A foolish and unimportant promise to keep the dwarves safe. A pointless promise but a promise none the less. Where would her honor be if she could not keep a promise to Mithrandír. He was an old friend. One of few. I did not however involve the peasants and the possibility the dwarves might already be under the influence of... him. She sighed and closed her eyes. Well the future would decide whether she would spare them or not.

The company had been walking amongst the remains of Dale and her citizens. The charred bodies witnessed of a horrible death. As he watched how the other dwarves eyes were filled with grief and anger sadness grew in Thorin's heart. He suddenly found himself wishing Frey was there. He wondered why. That traitorous minx left them. Left him. She works on her own accord and challenges his authority. Why on earth was he then missing her? "But..." he questioned himself, "is that not what is so intriguing about her?" He looked up to the mountain and felt a pang of doubt in his heart. He might be leading his friends to a similar fate as these citizens. He would like to hear her council now. He did not hear Balin approach him, "What is on your mind, Thorin?" He kept looking up the grey slopes, "I would like to hear what Frey would have to say in this matter" Balin looked at him sceptically, "You don't usually take inputs from others. You are the king, Thorin, and we do as you command." Thorin turned his eyes towards him, "That is why I wish she was here. She is the only one who has never done what was told. She never cared who I am" Balin looked into his eyes, "her opinion matters to you?" Thorin looked away staring at the mountain top which glistered with white sparkles of snow. The red-yellow sunlight made the sky look almost golden. He took a deep breath, Yes... and now I have to face the snake without her" Balin took a step forward, "What if she comes back?" Throin shook his head and thought of the events the precious night, "I told her not to. After all... a king does not need one who opposes him" Balin nodded and looked down. He did not know what to say. He had never seen Thorin this way. He could tell Thorin was agitated with this woman but fascinated? This was new. Balin had however grown fond of this unexpected member. They had never talked much to be quite frank she had seemed angry at him and the other dwarves for no reason he could tell. But she had helped them. Shown them her courage and wisdom. What he found most interesting was her ability to not give a damn about Thorin's commands or the authority he held over the others. The others had even begun to respect her as much as they respected Thorin. But Thorin was stubborn and either he could not or maybe would not see what Balin could see now. He sighed and went back to the others but not before saying, "True a king does not need one to oppose him... but he does need a queen". Thorin turned to say something but Balin was already gone.

A sudden noise woke her up. She growled and searched the hall. One does not awake a sleeping dragon and lives to tell the tale. The she heard it again. Clanging on the secret door. It almost sounds like... weapons? She grinnned. Oh how stupid can those dwarves get?! They are actually trying to break down the door with silly weapons, oh would it not be GREAT to get rid of such insolence. They did taste great however no, this time it would be a game. She was looking forward to this. What if she did not burn them all? She could leave a few alive and burn the rest. That greedy prince would surely scream like the greedy little fool he was. It was in his blood after all. She had dealt with his grandfather and his father and now it was his turn. The question of whether to burn or not to burn did not concern Lake Town. Their screams would echo in the memories of men for a long time. She was deep in her thoughts. Then she heard the door open and footsteps in the old hallway told her they had entered. She smirked. Time to have some fun finally. She slithered under the piles of gold and waited. She even let herself drift off to sleep.

Golden Eyesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें