Chapter 33: Only One Winner

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Thorin stared at the empty commanding post. The signal had been abandoned and there was no sign of life. They had fought a small dozen at their arrival but the goats had given them an advantage and they had easily outmaneuvered the orcs. Now a frozen waterfall was that was between them and the spot the pale orc had been just moments ago. Fog began to seep through the old ruins and pointy cliffs making it hard to see what might lie further away. Thorin considered his options. He could go in and might be surprise by an ambush risking both him and his kin but if he decided to go back they might be attacked from behind or what was worse. "What's our plan Thorin?" Dwalin asked and Thorin knew he had to make his decision quick they were so close they had to succeed. It was now or never. "We go in and finish what we started" "But what if Azog has fled?" Thorin paused and looked around, "I don't think so". He could almost feel Azog's presence. Throin turned to his companions. Fili and Kili would search the towers; he and Dwalin would search around the post. However, a screeching noise, almost catching them off guard, interrupted his instructions. Goblin mercenaries but luckily no more than he and Dwalin could manage and he told his nephews to hurry but be careful and as they disappeared around the corner, he felt a pang of regret. Why was he sending his sister sons into what most clearly could be a trap? If they were to be surrounded, they would not stand a chance and all because he was so desperate to finish off Azog.Bilbo knew it was a dire situation but he had to try. It was desperate try. As soon as he had heard that a great force was about to overrun Thorin and the others, he could not just stand idly by. He had to act fast. He had seen the moment to move as Gandalf had been occupied with the conversation between Smaug and that elf man who had warned them. Even though the sensation was confusing and tiresome, he had to use the ring. This little golden object that hsd helped him quite a few times now. Even though he could not think of why, he was sure that Gandalf would not approve of it. However, desperate situations called for desperate acts. He reached the rocky path leading up to the post and looked back. If he had asked, would she had helped once again? Probably not it was Thorin after all and from what he could see, she could not care less for what would happen to him. She had not grown to consider the dwarves as friends like he had and probably never would. He began to run up the small steps and stones not noticing the wind picked up for just a moment only to slow down again.Thorin and Dwalin searched the tower high and low without any sign of the pale orc. Thorin was getting anxious, "Where is that orc filth?" he mumbled to himself. He had to be there, or else his decision could be a disastrous mistake. Just then he heard an exhausted voice behind him. It was Bilbo. He tried to speak through short breaths but managed to choke out something that made Thorin's blood freeze. "Another army is attacking from the North in a few moments this tower will be surrounded!" Thorin cursed, "We have to find Fili and Kili and get out of here!" He yelled. "But we are so close we almost have him, Thorin" Dwalin said. Thorin laid a hand on his shoulder and looked at them both, "we will have the chance again today we live to fight another day" They both nodded at his words. A drum stopped him. He looked around and there it was again... and again. The pace grew and they all three turned around to the Watchtower. Fire lit up the ruined windows one by one until they saw the top. Thorin's heart quickened and he caught his breath at what he saw. Azog emerged from the fog with his whole battalion but it was not The defiler's wicked appearance that made his heart clench. It was who hang from his filthy hand, struggling to stand up and already beaten up. Fili. This could not be! He ran to the bank where the frozen water separated him from the rest of the ruin from where, Azog gloated on him, hissing how he would now take them down one by one. He could do nothing but stand there and watch how Azog raised his sword, "Go" Fili whispered but he could not. He WOULD not. A wicked grin spread across Azog's face but then a bright light shot down from the sky making stones fly around the orcs on the roof as some of them screamed in pain as they tried to put out the fire that was burning their skin to the bone. Azog stumbled and fell and in the process lost his grasp on Fili. He fell down from the tower and landed just in front of Kili who emerged from the lower levels. Whether he was dead or unconscious, Thorin could not see. Azog roared in anger and commanded his troops down while looking to the sky. So did Thorin but the fog made it impossible to deter what was up there. Kili's cry of anger brought him back to the scene in front of him. The young dwarf was now going after the orcs alone, "KILI!" he called out, ran down and out on the ice, ignoring Dwalin's calls behind him. Bilbo gathered his courage and drew Sting. If this was what he thought it was, this might be their chance. A screeching noise behind him made him duck. He looked up and saw nothing but black as a swarm of giant bats covered out what little light there was. The bats however were not alone. On the wall behind him stood Bolg. He smirked when he saw Bilbo and raised his arm calling out for the army he had brought with him. They were coming towards the lone hobbit now. Bilbo barely had time to think before a red flash shot in front of him beheading the closest beast. "Smaug !" He called out. Killing two more orcs she turned around and smiled at him, "You did not think I would miss the fun did you Barrelrider?!" She stood beside him and took down one orc after the other. "I honestly had my doubts that you would help us again" he said. "In the choice on which side to take I never thought I would side with the dwarves" She killed off another orc. Bilbo felt relieved and looked around. The orcs were making their way around them now. The roars coming from the other side immediately crushed the small joy he felt however. Thorin was battling Azog alone. He thought for a second and Smaug looked at him. "I know it is much to ask..." he tried and Smaug raised her eyebrow. He guessed she already knew, what he was about to ask but he had to say it anyway, "I think I can make my way down from here but I fear Thorin and the others might not. " Smaug smirked, "You want me to help Thorin do you not? Even though you know he has sworn to kill me should he ever see me again" Bilbo gaze did not falter and he nodded. "Very well if you go down that path I think you can find Dwalin, I saw him head that way just moments ago" With that she was gone. Bilbo did not know if he could feel relieved yet. Even if Azog was defeated what should then stop Smaug from taking Thorin down as well? He pushed the thought away and ran down the path, glad that he was able to do something now.. That is... until he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head and everything went black.

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