Chapter 21: Thief in the Shadows

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 Bilbo was in a way happy and in a way scared to death and just wanted to go home to Bag End. Something however made him stay. He had become friends with this bunch of merry and brave dwarves and wanted to help them the best he could. But it was the courage he had found that made face this task with confidence he had never experienced before. He would never had experienced it if it had not been for the strange woman by the name of Fray. She had shown him intentionally or not what true courage was and he regretted he had not thanked her for that the night she disappeared. He suddenly feels unsure and turns to Balin who is walking beside him. The old dwarf immediately sees the distress in Bilbo's eyes. He stops and Bilbo does the same, "you see Bilbo the stone you will be looking for, the Arkenstone, is very important. It is what brings the dwarves together. Without it none would come to our aid" Bilbo was confused, "Why is it so important? Thorin gathered the others without the stone" Balin shook his and looked gravely at him, "It's also personal, Bilbo. The stone is a symbol and if he had had it our company would have been much larger" "but why is it so personal?" Bilbo could not quite understand. "The dragon took everything from us. Our home, our gold" Bilbo nods, "Right". Silence fell between them and Bilbo looked down the dark hallway, "I think I'm ready" Balin chuckled and Bilbo looked at him, It never ceases to amaze me" Bilbo had to ask what he meant. "The courage of hobbits" Bilbo smiled he did not feel that courageous right now and he wished Fray was there with him. She was much better with a blade and now Thorin had driven her away. No, he stopped himself, she had left on her own accord but Thorin had made it clear she should not return. This saddened Bilbo. He had just begun to consider her a friend even though she had not shown interest in any kind of friendship. He did not notice he was already walking down the path. He turned when he heard Balin call behind him not to waken the dragon if it was actually down there. "Balin" Bilbo asked, "you say the dragon took everything from you but you once said that were family was, there would be a home." Balin sighed, "I wish everyone would think the same young hobbit but it is not so. Take care Bilbo" He smiled and then he was gone. Bilbo looked at the direction Balin had went and then turned towards the long path.

 It felt like forever but he finally stood at the end of the tunnel. He felt nervous and in faint whisper asked if anyone was home. After not receiving an answer, he walked further in. He was amazed by the giant hall. The carvings in the stone and the size of the hall was amazing. Then he reached the edge of a giant set of stairs and from here, what he saw amazed him. All he saw was gold. Gold everywhere in the vast hall. He silently walked down the stairs and stepped down on the gold. He was amazed to see the gold bearing his weight. He shook his head. Now focus was necessary, he had to find the Arkenstone. He looked around, a large white gem. He scouted the area. Everywhere he looked there was gems in all kinds of sizes and colours. He sighed and started digging through the glittering piles. After dropping a few items and hearing their clanging echo through the hall, he grew bolder. Nothing happened He walked over a small ridge and picked up a golden cup. The removal resulted in a small avalance of coins and gems sliding down around his feet. At first he tried to glimpse a small unusual glitter amongst the riches but then his senses told him he should pay more attention to his surroundings. It was almost like a small voice in the back of his mind. A small warning. He looked up and felt his heart skipping a beat at what he saw. The cascading coins had uncovered the largest eyelid Bilbo had ever seen. He quickly hid behind a column and tried to ease his breath. He is jolted by a whoosh to his right and sees golden coins take flight as a giant nostril releases a long held breath. It occurs to him that the dragon is still asleep and decides he has had enough of this. He wants to leave and makes a move to the left. Away from where the dragon's head obviously is buried. He stops dead in his tracks as what seems like a golden mountain begins to move. The scattering gold reveals a giant tail. Bilbo tries but cannot see the end of it. Facing the new threat he turns around but then realises he is caught between the head and the tail of a dragon. He must admit it is much larger than he had ever imagined. And he had imagined quite a bit since he embarked on this quest. He takes a few breaths oh why did he agree to this?

He looks from one side to the other and makes a decision. It all seems quite hopeless at this moment and he wishes he was not alone and someone was here to guide him. Perhaps Thorin or Fray? He shakes his head and puts on a brave face, telling himself he has to do this on his own. He tries to move forward but as soon as he takes his first step the giant head moves. He sits down and tries to stay calm. Perhaps it will not wake just yet. When the head lies, still again he makes another try. Bilbo keeps an eye on the head and is glad he does for just as he is about to set into a sprint the eyes opens. He throws himself down behind a pile and tries to hold his breath. He can see a yellow light illuminating his direction and feels the gold vibrate from the dragon's growls. He takes small uneasy breaths. He cannot see much from his position but the cascading waves of riches tells him the dragon is raising its head. As he tries to make himself smaller a horrible realisation hits him. Even though he cannot see, the dragon does not mean the dragon cannot see him! He might just be about to be exposed catches a small whimper. Then he has an idea and reaches down into his pocket. This little ring has saved him before maybe it will work again. He takes a chance and puts it on his finger, disappearing instantly. He can hear the dragon growls behind and he slowly stands up. His legs feel like jelly and his mouth is so dry, he believes his lips might crack. He still shudders from the vibrations he felt through the gold but it still very unprepared for the power that surges through the hall as the dragon starts talking.

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