Chapter 32: Unusual Behavior

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Gandalf took a glimpse over the wall and saw how the men took down a giant troll with their arrows. The creature fell backwards with a grunt and crushed the orcs behind it. He felt a small glimmer of hope, "we might just survive this," he said to himself as he gazed across the field and saw the dragon soar over the fearful troops of orcs. The dragon turned in his direction and saw him. He went down to the gate, which was no longer occupied by orcs and goblins, and met Bard at the entrance. "You have succeeded in driving the scum from the streets and the ones outside the walls are beginning to retreat" Bard thanked him for his assistance then looked bitter, "We may resisted this army but there is still a much greater threat looming above our heads". Gandalf looked at him not quite understanding yet he had an idea what or rather who he was referring to. "What would that be may I ask?" Bard leaned in, "you know full well what it is. I am talking about the dragon, anytime soon the beast will probably turn and..." Suddenly the ground shook and loose pebbles fell out of the walls. "No!" Bard whispered as his men shouted and cried out for their comrades. Bard called his men to arms but Gandalf placed a hand on his shoulder. Their fear was understandable but their force was unnecessary and futile. No matter how much she was helping them and hopefully would continue with, her temper and patience was still questionable, that much he knew and had known for a very long time.

Smaug could see the orcs had started to retreat but they were still outnumbering the allied forces by far. She spotted Gandalf watching from the city wall and decided it would be a good time to have a small talk. The little one on her back was also tiring and she had felt his hand almost slip at least twice. As she made her way towards the main gate, she spotted a familiar face in the crowd of men. Bowman. Well this was indeed a moment she had been looking forward to. She landed just by the entrance making the men stir and cry out for their kin. She let the hobbit climb down before she approached the men and was almost amused how he seemed quite shaken as he found it hard to stand on his feet and had to sit down. She left him there and was then greeted by Gandalf. The humans however and especially the Bowman seemed very hostile of her and watched their conversation with suspicion. "I never thought I would see this day" Gandalf smiled an she returned it, "Glad I can still surprise you" Bard came forward and addressed Gandalf, "You know the beast?" she lowered her head so she could look him in the eyes, " it would be preferred you would not speak of me as if I was not present, Bowman". Bard looked at her, "You are the woman are you not? The one I fought mere days ago in these streets and who trained my son in swordplay" He took a step towards her and she nodded, " I guess I am guilty of that and with that knowledge, what do you intend to do now?" She quite enjoyed his turmoil and she could see he was struggling for an answer.

What was he to do now indeed. Suddenly a group of seven or eight orcs jumped down from behind the men who stood little chance against the much stronger foes. However, Bard was fast, he leapt between one of the attackers and a young boy who froze by the sight of his vile assailant. As Bard pushed the kid aside the orc managed to knock him over. Laying on his back the orc stood on his sword arm and raised its axe while a grin crossed the scarred face. Bard did not even have time to blink before a dark shadow covered every little light but only for mere second before a cracking noise was heard and the orc was gone. With the pressure gone from his arm he grabbed his sword and stood up and searched for the orc only to find the broken body a few metres away. "They do taste horribly" He heard behind him and a warm gust against his neck. This instant he knew who was his saviour yet he refused to believe it and he felt his confusion be replaced with anger. "It does not matter does it?" He said in a low voice, "Please be more precise" it came from behind him and he turned around. "Who lives and who dies off course! You are a monster. You give something and then you take it back again, you lie and you deceit. Murder everything and everyone around as if they were mere flies and you do not care whom." He swung his sword at her repeatedly as he spoke, "You only do what benefits yourself and do not care how much blood is spilled on your way. You make people trust you before you kill them in their sleep like the cowardly snake you are! You have never experienced such pain upon yourself!" She had dodged the slashes with ease, as they were sloppy and made in blind anger but at the last words, she caught the blade with her front teeth. Bard stopped. This was the closest he had been to the dragon yet and he looked at the angry golden eyes. He felt his courage sink and closed his eyes, letting go of the blade and awaiting the same fate as the orc. Nothing happened. An almost soft voice made him look up. In front of him stood the woman holding the sword in her hand. "Indeed I am a monster *sigh* but I also know the pain of getting hurt by one" She stepped closer to him. There is a rage inside me and only now have I been able to control it and it has made me do things that are hard to forget. I learned two things early on: I could only trust myself and the world would never show me anything but the hostility and greed that made me this way. I promised to myself that I would rid the world from it without even a second thought. I became obsessed with the thought of striking first." Bard felt quite taken by her tale and found himself almost feeling sorry for her. She held his sword up to him, "From this journey I have learnt a lot and might even have found way to help others than myself. Maybe even giving others a second chance" She looked across his shoulder and as he turned, he could see Gandalf and the Halfling looking at them. He sighed, "maybe... it is time for all of us to do so" he took the blade with a small smile and she gave a small one herself. Smaug never thought she would utter such words and definitely not to a human but here they were. Sworn enemies none the less yet it seemed a mutual respect had formed between them. Suddenly Bilbo piped out and ran to them, " I know this might be a bad timing but I think we are in a bad... well maybe not bad but more a possible bad situation that could turn out as disastrous" She shook her head, "What do you mean?" The hobbit seemed scared, "It's Thorin! He, Fili, Kili and Dwalin went up the hill" He pointed to Ravenhill. "They mean to take down Azog!" Gandalf said gravely and Bilbo nodded, "What if they are walking into a trap?" Smaug shook her head, "No, they are definitely walking into a trap". Now they had to think fast. If Thorin and his kin died up there Azog whether he be alive or not would win, the battle and the darkness would grab its hold on the Lonely Mountain. Something that must be avoided at all costs.

Legolas felt many things at the same time. His heart had rejoiced when he found Tauriel unscathed, but know he knew that her heart would never be his. Not after the way he had seen her look at the black-haired dwarf. Nevertheless, he stood by her side even after his father had banished her for her disobedience. They had gone to Gundabad in search of Bolg the orc scum but had found something much more sinister. An army. They had rushed back towards the mountain and had been shocked to find the war had already begun. Even though he could not glimpse but was certain that Thranduil would be down there. It was in their descend they heard a sound like thunder rolling across the land, scaring the horse and almost send them down the cliffs. With terror they looked up into the belly of a giant dragon swooping over the battlefield. But shock had turned to confusion as the creature only aimed its fire at the black army. They both knew they had to make haste if they were to deliver their message and perhaps find some answers. Legolas pushed the exhausted horse further as he steered through the ruins of Dale and finally found whom he was hoping to see. Gandalf the Grey. He stopped the horse and both he and Tauriel, who had been oddly quiet the whole journey back, jumped of the poor beast. "Gandalf! Bolg is leading an army from Gundabad we must act swiftly they are soon upon us" Gandalf froze, "Gundabad? This was their plan all along! Azog would keep our armies occupied then Bolg would come crushing from the North" Only now did Legolas take notice of a small person standing beside Gandalf, "North! And where is North?" he breathed looking around. "Ravenhill" Gandalf said gravely. "Ravenhill! But Thorin is up there and Fili and Kili they ae all up there!" Legolas did not need to turn around. He could already sense the concern stretched across his friend's face. He decided that if she would try to reach the dwarves he would not try to stop her. Then he noticed a red haired woman standing behind Gandalf talking to the Bowman Bard. "Who is she?" He asked the wizard. Gandalf looked at who he was gesturing at, "You would not believe me if I told you Greenleaf" Legolas was not sure but then he remembered. This was the woman his father had introduced back in the Woodland Realm just before the dwarves had escaped. She had followed the dwarves and now she was here. At first he wanted to speak to her immediately but then he remembered his tense father back at the feast. Something had been awfully amiss by the arrival of the woman from the king's past. Legolas froze for a moment and watched the Bowman take his leave. This was the best time now that she was alone.

"Pardon me" a voice behind her said. Smaug turned around and easily recognised Thranduil's son. "Yes" her voice was plain. He bowed his head, "I am Legolas son of..." "Son of Thranduil, Prince of Mirkwood I know who you are Legolas Greenleaf we have met before" She interrupted. "Yes" he said, "I did however never get to know your name or how you came to know of my family" She chuckled, "that is a long story young prince and I would gladly tell you another time. One day when we are not at war with an increasing army of orcs" He nodded "I am glad that you are on our side but could I at least get to know your name now that you know mine so well?" Well he certainly was a polite one but he still seemed unwilling to give up when he needed to know something. It must run in the family she thought. "Indeed you may" she decided to oblige and turned around to were Gnadlaf and Bilbo was. However, as she turned around Bilbo was gone, "Where is he?" She asked Gandalf, "I could not stop him, he has gone to aid the dwarves and I fear for him." Bard rallied his men, "No!" Smaug said, "You must stay here with your men and Gandalf; you have to protect the city!" Gandalf stepped forward, "I have to help them! I was the one who brought them here to begin with" She put a hand on his shoulder, "I know old friend but I should go alone and you know as well as I that you are needed here. " Legolas stepped forward "But what can you do alone? They are outnumbering you by hundreds and more are pouring in" She smiled, "Well you did wonder what my name might be. I guess it is better to show you who I am" She walked away and flames engulfed her form, as it grew into her dragon self. The elf prince looked at her shocked but not wavering and she send him a smile. She was about to take off when Gandalf stopped her, "Bring him back" She smiled, "Have I ever broken a promise to you, Mithrandir?" He chuckled, "No, but you have behaved most unusually recently" She flapped her wings and took to the sky.

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