If my heart could be heard then I'm sure it would just sound like a vibration because I feel as though I haven't breathed in days with the way he is looking at me. Like I'm his sun.

His moon.


"And that's why he didn't hurt me?" I quickly say, avoiding his eyes, "Because you both agreed?"

He laughs at my summary, his head tilting to the side as he brushes a hand through his hair.

"In basic terms - yeah."

"You must disagree on a lot then."

"Oh, you have no idea," the humour drops from his tone for a second, brows furrowing, "I think I'd convinced both of us that we didn't deserve a mate, or at least wouldn't be given one. So, when I met you I could barely breathe let alone try to come to terms with it - but I managed. I think an animal is a lot harder to get through to than a human and it's taken him a while to accept that you're here. That we deserve you, despite the horrific things we've done."

"I'm not scared of you Trent," I reply with a strength that's new to me, the honesty behind it pushing me forward. "I don't think I could be any more even if I tried. I know monsters and you're not one of them."

I can almost see the weight lifting off his shoulders, the peace that my words have brought him after years of turmoil. As if he had been waiting for me to let him know that he could get past this, that he was more than what his wolf had made him.

"Thank you, for saying that."

My heart swells at the genuine smile on his face, so pure and innocent. It makes me realise that he'd probably never heard anything close to it from the people he was supposed to - from his parents, his brother.

His family.

"I mean it," I admit, my fingers twisting the fabric between them into knots. "We don't get to pick the family that we're born into but we can choose our new one."

Shut up, Elle.

"I just want you to know that I don't think there's a single thing that you could do which would make me turn my back on you," I rush out, "Not ever."

His hand lands on my fumbling ones, dwarfing them as he holds them still, causing me to lift my head up slowly to him. I hadn't been able to stop myself from rambling, from spilling my guts to him but he had shown me his darkest parts and I only wanted him to know that I accepted him.


The air around is is static as we stare at each other - both of our souls bared in a way that we've never shown anyone before.

"Elle," he whispers, an emotion in his eyes that I can feel in my heart.

Just say it.

I could feel the words itching to break free as our eyes meet, like the only thing stopping me is this wall that I've built that I can't get passed.

Just say it.

He moves in closer, his hand on my lap keeping me still.

It's now that I realise my legs are bare and the T-shirt I'm wearing barely covers them sitting like this.

As my senses begin to awaken, my skin begins to prick and a shiver goes up my spine right before a taste of acid makes its way into my mouth.

The memories break the daze that his face has charmed me into, slipping through in the cracks of my unease.

I clear my throat and pull back from him, throwing the towel onto the counter as I move, my eyes darting around for an escape route.

"You've got blood on your shirt," I tell him, relieved that there's actually something to hide my nervous reaction, "You should probably shower."

Golden (Book 1 of the Golden Series)Where stories live. Discover now