Chapter 12 - No Escape.

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(okay - I got some ideas - weewoo - a couple more chapters.)


"You bastard!" the man shouted after Kang Gook, chasing after him along with two other men. The steps thudded in the quiet neighbourhood - and suddenly - Kang Gook was trapped. He turned around, breathing heavily. "Where is Han Tae Joo?"

Kang Gook just stared at them, sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Take him first, lure Han Tae Joo next."

The two men began to approach Kang Gook; knowing what he was capable of. The  men suddenly ran at Kang Gook, grabbing his arms before he could do anything. Kang Gook groaned loudly, tugging at his arms to retrieve them; but there was no use. The men were surprisingly stronger than him.

He began to be dragged away.

• • •

Kang Gook kneeled in front of the chairman, silence...

He raised his head when grunting became louder. A familiar figure in the room now. Han Tae Joo. His eyes widened, when Kang Gook tried to stand up, he received a hit in the stomach, kneeling him once again.

"Now that both of you are here..." the chairman began, but he didn't even finish the sentence and Tae Joo began to try and struggle away.

"You don't understand!" Tae Joo began to shout, "You aren't my father! You never were!" he squirmed around in the guards' grips.

The chairman sighed, smiling. "Kang Gook..." he grabbed Kang Gook's attention, shutting Tae Joo up, "you kidnapped Han Tae Joo, and forced him to say such things?"

Kang Gook scoffed, glaring at the chairman.

"He never kidnapped me!" Tae Joo raise this voice, "I went with him! To escape you!" tears began to roll down Tae Joo's cheeks. "You're a monster! To use your power over us!"

The chairman rubbed his forehead, and stood up, walking over to Kang Gook. He cupped Kang Gook's face harshly, forcing him to look into his eyes.

"He doesn't look like he cares." The chairman stated, laughing. "He's worthless. I don't understand why you decided to go with h---"

Before anything could be processed, the chairman dropped to the floor. The guards came rushing to the man, one dialing their phone, and multiple fanning his face.

Tae Joo and Kang Gook looked at eachother, confused... Though - Tae Joo seemed actually worried too. Even after all he said - he couldn't help but worry. It was his father after all.

• • •

Kang Gook gently placed his hand on Tae Joo's trembling leg. Grabbing his attention. He gave him a small, reassuring smile. Tae Joo placed his hand over Kang Gook's, seeming to calm down.

"Han Tae Joo?" a woman's voice called out. A nurse.

Tae Joo stood up, and walked up to the lady. "You may go in, do be quiet though."

Kang Gook watched Tae Joo walk into the room, following him after a moment.


Tae Joo was already sat down on a chair, holding his father's hand. Kang Gook placed his hand on Tae Joo's shoulder, looking down at the chairman. He clenched his fist.

There was movement. "Father?" Tae Joo's eyes widened as the chairman's eyes opened slowly. It wasn't long before another horrific thing happened.

The chairman began to shake. Kang Gook ran to the door, calling for doctors. They came rushing in, telling the two to get out.

Kang Gook grabbed Tae Joo, who was resisting, and pulled him out of the room.

As the door closed, the two fell on the ground. More like - Kang Gook pulled Tae Joo down on the ground, to make it easier to calm him down.

"Tae Joo-" Kang Gook began, grabbing Tae Joo's face - making him look at him. Using his thumb, he wiped Tae Joo's face, "he'll be okay..."

• • •

"He didn't make it." as the nurse said this, Tae Joo fell backwards into Kang Gook's arms, passing out.

• • •

"Tae Joo? Han Tae Joo?" Tae Joo's ears rung, his name being called was in a buzz. He jolted up, his head aching.

"Was it --?"

Kang Gook sighed, looking down at the ground, shaking his head slightly, "Tae Joo," Kang Gook sat down on the bed, embracing him, "I'm sorry..."

Tae Joo stared at the white wall, before hiding his face in the crook of Kang Gook's neck, holding him tightly.

• • •


Anyway, I got some story plot ideas stuff - so I'll be continuing this Yuhhh. ;.)

Hope you all have a great day/noon/night! Mwa

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