Chapter 7 - Reconciliation.

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We fought sometimes too.

Kang Gook walked down the path, taking his phone out and dialing a number.

And then we reconciled quick.
This time too, just like before, just like that...

'Your call cannot be connected, you will be redirected--'

He hung up before the robotic voice could finish.

We just have to make up.

Kang Gook began to run...

• • •

"Tae Joo..." he called out. However, he was suddenly taken aback as soon as his gaze turned to the living room.

Everything was on the floor, like there had just been a robbery.

"Don't play around." Kang Gook looked around him. When he got no answer,  he began to search every room. "Tae Joo."

"Han Tae Joo!" he shouted repeatedly.

He took his phone out, looking for Tae Joo's location. He rushed towards a drawer, opening it and grabbing a pair of keys. Then made his way out, almost running.

'You are being redirected to voicemail.'

He called someone else, "Chairman. I think Tae Joo has been kidnapped. I got his last location, but his phone is currently turned off." he informed. "My apologies, I will go to his last location."

• • •

He drove the motorcycle, making his way towards Tae Joo's current last location.

"Pil Hyun, have you been in touch with Tae Joo?"

"No I haven't. Why? Did something happen?"

Without saying anything else, Kang Gook hung up.

• • •

He stopped the vehicle in an empty parking lot.

Kang Gook got off, running, looking around.

He took a glance at his phone, which appeared to tell him that he was in the place where Tae Joo's phone last was. He looked down, seeing it there... But where was Tae Joo?

Kang Gook's phone began to ring.

"Hey, meet me." The voice in the other end said.

"I'm not in that kind of situat--"

"It's about Tae Joo."

Kang Gook's eyes widened a few millimeters.

• • •

Pil Hyun waited for Kang Gook to arrive. He spotted the motorcycle. He waited for the boy to get off.

"Kang Gook.."

"What's the matter?" he said, panting.

"I don't know too well either."

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