Chapter 5 - Yet Another Kind of Gaze.

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"Driver Yang..." Tae Joo began, "turn the car around." The driver did as he was ordered to, turning the car around. Meanwhile Tae Joo was staring out the window.


Kang Gook was walking on the path, walking home as Tae Joo had told him to. He came to a stop, putting his hand onto the rail, and looking out into the distance.

He heard the sound of a car's horn, and turned around. He watched as the window of the car went down: revealing Tae Joo.

"Just cause I told you to walk, did you really walk?"

"You're acting as you please again."

Tae Joo sighed, looking down for a second before opening the door. Kang Gook turned his head.

"Get in quick."

Kang Gook did so, making his way to the car, entering.

The car drove off...

• • •

Kang Gook opened the door, Tae Joo closing it. They took off their shoes. As Kang Gook was about to leave, probably to take a shower, he stopped in his tracks as he heard Tae Joo speak. "Why did I do that to you?" Kang Gook turned slightly to face him.

"Because you're mean." he simply said.

Tae Joo looked at the ground, "This is different." he swayed side to side, "it was another kind of anger."

Kang Gook turned back around.

Tae Joo looked at him, "Have you felt like that towards me too?"

He exhaled uncomfortably, "I don't know what you are talking about."

Tae Joo watched as Kang Gook walked into the living room though. He was lost in thought for a second, his eyes on the ground once again.

• • •

The two layed in bed. Tae Joo staring at Kang Gook's back. "Hug me." he said out of nowhere.

Kang Gook opened his eyes.

"Like my mom." Tae Joo added, his voice soft. He moved slightly closer to Kang Gook, reaching his hand out to place it around Kang Gook. He was stopped.

Kang Gook gripped onto his wrist tightly.

"Tae Joo..."

Tae Joo retracted his hand back.

"I asked you a favour."

Tae Joo put his head lower on the pillow, "I'm sad." he whispered, his voice cracking.

Kang Gook closed his eyes, somewhat frustrated. He turned, placing his arm under Tae Joo's head (due to him lifting it up) and he wrapped his over arm around , pulling him close. He gave a small pat, and rubbed Tae Joo's back gently...

• • •

Tae Joo sat down in the wall, Kang Gook stretching. "I don't get why we have to do physical education class." he complained.

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