Chapter 6 - 15 Years of Friendship Come To an End.

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Kim Hyun was wandering around, looking a tad bit lost. As he was about to turn a corner, he halted. Spotting Kang Gook and Tae Joo. More specifically, Tae Joo on top of Kang Gook.

He quickly ducked behind a tree. "What's that?" he rushed off, then coming face to face with a girl. Hye Mi.

"Hold up! Hold up!" he pointed at her. "What's up with you? Why are you like this while classes are going on?" he asked her. She stopped, staring at the unknown boy.

"What's up with you?" she asked him back.

"I'm Kim Pil Hyun. And I don't really go to class."

She looked down at what she was holding, and then tried to continue walking, only for Kim Hyun to stop her once again.

"Are you that girl? Kang Gook's?"  she again, tried to shove last him,  he grabbed her arm, "Hey, don't go! Those guys are fighting." he then let go.

"They're fighting?"

"I don't know. Just go."

"But we were going to eat these together." she looked down at the packets of snacks in her hands.

Kim Hyun did a double take, at her, the snacks, back at her and then back at the food. "Why are you eating this now of all times?"

"Damn it!" she glared at him, "Han Tae Joo is being like that because he got hit by the ball, right?" she sighed, "Seriously, why is his personality like that?"

"You also think Han Tae Joo's personality is weird?"

"Whoa.. you too?"

"You're charming." he said out of nowhere.

"You're interesting as well."

"Is that a good thing?"

Ahe began to try and leave again, "I said don't go! They're fighting. Go next time! Give it to them next time!" he insisted, "Do you want to just eat them with me?"


Kang Gook threw Tae Joo off to the side. Both of them breathing heavily. He let himself fall back down, staring up.

He sat up moments after. "The others might see." he stated, standing up.

Tae Joo sat up after him, and Kang Gook put his hand out for Tae Joo to take it. "Let's go."

Kang Gook took hold of Tae Joo's wrist, and pulled him along. Tae Joo just followed like a child who had just done something wrong, and Kang Gook pulled him along like a mother who had just told her child off.


"Didn't you wear these pants backwards?" Kim Hyun looked down, picking at her clothes.

"No," she slapped his hand away, "I'm not wearing them backwards." she paused, "am I?" now unsure herself.

Kim Hyun saw the two coming, he moved away from Hye Mi, while they just walked in between the two. Not saying anything. She tried to get a hold of Kang Gook but it was no use.

"I told you they were fighting." Kim Hyun said.

• • •

Hye Mi's mother sat down at a table, reading through a manga, then suddenly the shop's bell went off, "Welco--- I thought you were a customer!" she looked at the door, seeing her daughter.

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