- Bad Habit (pt.3 - last part)

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Tae Joo and Kang Gook stared as she walked off. Tae Joo examined Kang Gook for a second before catching his attention, having to look down.

Kang Gook turned, staring to walk, only for Tae Joo to grab his arm, "Hey. What was that?"


"You went around flirting while I was in Japan." Tae Joo smiled cunningly.

Kang Gook sighed, "I also saw her for the first time today." He asserted, then continued to walk.

"You're pretending to be all serious and cool," Tae Joo latched onto Kang Gook's arm again, "all by yourself, I see."

"What are you saying?" He turned to face Tae Joo once again.

Tae Joo smiled, pushed his shoulder against Kang Gook's, knocking him to the side.

"Are you happy that you have her your number?"

Kang Gook looked down at the ground, "I didn't give it to her."

Tae Joo stared in confusion, watching him continue walking. "What, then?"

Kang Gook halted and turned his head to the side slightly, "A fake number."

"Really?" his smile returned, walking back towards Kang Gook, "Okay." He then rushed off, leaving Kang Gook there: a small smile spreading on his face, walking after Tae Joo.

• • •

They layed down on the bed, asleep. Well, at least one of them...

Tae Joo glanced at Kang Gook who was sound asleep. He sat up slowly, putting his arm out to poke Kang Gook's cheek.

No movement.

He then proceeded to do the same, but at his ear.

Again, no movement.

Tae Joo grinned slightly, reaching over Kang Gook, grasping onto his phone.

He turned on the phone, sliding up on the screen, unlocking it. His grin became wider as he glanced at Kang Gook.

• • •

The two walked on the road, Kang Gook whistling, his hands on the bag straps; meanwhile Tae Joo walked next to him, his hands in his pockets.

"I'm thirsty." Tae Joo suddenly commented.


"Buy chocolate milk for me."

"You should buy it yourself, you're rich."

"Hey, buy it for me!" Tae Joo lightly punched Kang Gook's side, laughing: watching as Kang Gook leaned down due to the ticklish feeling.

"Really, you want to die?" Kang Gook threw it his arm around Tae Joo's shoulders, pulling him down.

"Hey! Hey, are you really my bodyguard?" Tae Joo dissolved into laughter.

• • •

Tae Joo chugged his drink down, leaning on the railing. Kang Gook  next to him, leaning on the railing too.

Kang Gook suddenly tapped Tae Joo, grabbing his attention: then he nodded behind him, gesturing to Tae Joo to look.

"What's this?" Tae Joo asked, it was Kim Hyun, "You weren't done?"

"I'm sorry." Kim Hyun said, staring at Tae Joo, "I don't know why either, but my dad told me to apologize to you. It's bloody hurting my pride."

Tae Joo smiled, stepping closer to Kim Hyun, patting his arm lightly. "I'll accept it. This society is crappy, after all." Tae Joo smirked.

"But, are you really the son of the president of TB group?" Kim Hyun curiously asked.

Kang Gook glanced at Tae Joo, and then at Kim Hyun, "No." He candidly affirmed, catching their attention after he suddenly spoke. "Even if he was, it's none of your concern."

"Sure." Kim Hyun said, Tae Joo looking back at him. "I apologized, so we're set." He started to walk off. Again, Tae Joo and Kang Gook exchanged glances, but had to look back at Kim Hyun when he stopped walking, turning to look back at them. "You can't touch my fourth girlfriend, be careful." he earned.

Tae Joo grinned slyly, passing the small, chocolate-milk carton to Kang Gook, running up to Kim Hyun. He threw his arm over Kim Hyun's shoulders, dragging him down slightly. "Hey." Tae Joo laughed.

"What are you doing?" Kim Hyun tried to elbow him away, "I'm sorry."

"Let's be close."

"Are you nuts?" Kim Hyun raised his voice.

Kang Gook just watched.

"We should be close if you want me to avoid snatching your fourth girlfriend away." Tae Joo teased.


Kang Gook noticed something though. He watched Tae Joo rub Kim Hyun's ears between his fingers.

Tae Joo has a bad habit. That bad habit...

He walked over, reaching down to Tae Joo's wrist pulling it up along with Tae Joo.

...should be changed.

Tae Joo glared at him, Kang Gook doing the same. His grip was firm around Tae Joo's wrist.

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