Chapter One

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Skylet's POV//

This is it. My first day at Brookman College. The conspicuous college sign came in to view as Calum and I nervously approached the gates to the fresh start we desperately both needed. Floods of unfamiliar faces pushed past us like we were nothing. If inconsiderate had a face it would be a mix of all of those who brushed past and didn't say sorry. God I could already tell I wanted out of this place.

I suddenly came to realize that I was stalling... staring at the gates, contemplating as to whether I really wanted to go in or not. However I sadly realized that there was no going back now. I immediately got pulled away from my thoughts by Calum snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"C'mon Sky we're gonna be late!" He laughed grabbing my wrist and pulling me in through the gates.

I guess there really is no turning back now. We quickly made our way to the front office to pick up our time tables, due to us obviously being late appliers we weren't sent ours like the other students. As Calum wandered over to the front desk to sign us both in, I noticed a boy very rugged looking about the same age walking out of the principal's office. Wearing black skinny jeans similar to those Calum's wearing except with gaping slits at the knees. His singlet revealing a band I'd never heard of was loosely slung over his torso clearly showing off his prominent muscles. He boldly began to strut out of the office looking slightly smug about himself. Definitely seems like the guy that I best avoid, yet I couldn't seem to withdraw my glare. His dark coloured glasses covering his rather framed face with bright red bandana holding up his dirty blonde ringlets. He must have noticed me staring as he lifted up his glasses revealing his enticing hazel eyes. A smirk grew upon his face, followed by a pause as if he was taking in my whole appearance and winked. Ergh, him I am making sure to avoid. I shot him a disgusted look and turned my attention back to Calum who was now holding both of our time tables.

A bell began to loudly ring filling the crowded halls, signaling students that they have 5 minutes to get to class before they were classed as late.

"Science, you?" He asked as we walked out of the office. I rolled my eyes at the sight of the sheet of paper in my hand "Math" I said while sighing. He chuckled, while embracing me into a hug wishing me luck. We quickly arranged to meet each other at lunch and considering the front was the only place we both were familiar with we decided there would be best. We exchanged smiles, then that was it after that, I was left to my own devices. Of course Calum being forgetful he walked off with my map of the school and me being me I was far too scared to ask where anything was.

I began roaming the empty hallways hoping in finding room 25B, but it soon became evident I was lost. My headphones quietly playing I Miss You by Blink 182 as I made my way down yet another dead hallway. I promptly turned a corner to be bashed into by what seemed like another late student. My books fell to the ground from the sudden impact, quickly I decided to kneel down and pick them all up.

"Shit, sorry" I say embarrassed avoiding eye contact with the tall figure towering over me, already I could feel my cheeks become flushed with the colour of scarlet.

"N-No it's my fault S-Sorry" The boy stammered obviously as embarrassed as myself.

In Too Deep || A 5SOS Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें