Here we go again

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- Still Vic P.O.V -

Im so glad i found it , i needed this release so bad rihgt now . I held up the blade and looked at it thinking how long its been since ive done this . I needed the burn though . i needed to feel the familiar pain that i knew all to well . I slid the blade across my finger juts to make sure to was sharp and by the blood that formed i could assume that it was . I broght the blade to my wrist looking at all the other scars . I held my breath preparing for the usualy burn i felt but it didnt happen . The blood was running down my arm but i felt nothing . The burn that i needed wasnt there . I slid the blade across my skin again a little deeper and felt the burn  I did this multiple times , i had to feel the burn the pain made me forget all that had consumed me during the day . The burn was life saving .

The pain i needed was there but i still couldnt get the image of his eyes out of my head . Those scared eyes . The secrets that lie beneath them are far greater than what i could ever imagine and i know this . what could he be hiding and why did it invlove me ?

I was slowly brought back to reality  by the overwhelming dizziness that plauged me . My arms had stopped bleeding for the most part so i just wrapped them for now but the floor was a mess with blood splattered everywhre along with my cloths . I slowly got up while he dizziness and nausea came and went and i began to clean up my mess. I eventually made it out of the bathroom and i changed out of my blood soaked cloths and collapsed onto my bed . I didnt want to eat today , i didnt need food , all i wanted to do was sleep . I quickly fell inot an unconscious state and the dream began again . But it was different , this time instead of him hanging dead .... he was alive . He was gasping for breath as if he was being brought back form his brush with death .

The sound of my alarm clock went through my room again like eveyr morening but it was differant this time . Everything felt weird like it all changed just because the dream did .My arms still burned a little from last night but oh well . I got dressed in a long sleeve shirt , black skinny jeanns and my converse but the odd feeling that was around me , i just couldnt shake it . I walked out to the bus and saw the guy across the street getting into his car , i guess he was driving to school .... WAIT HE WAS GOING TO SCHOOL TODAY ?!?!!? oh no this wasnt good im already freaking out about the dram now i had to see him , this wouldnt end well .

I got to school quicker than i wouldve liked to and i walked ot my normal seat in the back of the class but i felt as if i was about to pass out , my head was apinning in 14 differant directions . I sat down in my usual seat in the back and school started much quicker than i was ready for . I sat up in my chair as i actually listened to the teacher for once in my life .

" OK students i know we were supposed to have the new student yersterday but he couldnt make it so hes joining the class now . Kellin come in here " Just a she said that the boy walked in and i froze , he looked exactly as how he did in my dream . The kinda wavy black hair, the flwless skin , the ... eyes . I felt as if time had actually stopped , my heart wasnt beating , i felt dead . Then my teacher looked directly at me and siad.

" Vic ... Kellin will be your lab partner . "

I couldnt feel anything , it was all numb when she said that . I dint know what i felt i thought i had been shot . Everything went blank . My mind , my heart , everyhting stopped . I couldnt see it was dark , i felt myself falling but i couldnt stopped myself . I opened my eyes a few moments later to see my teacher above me . I mustve passed out . I sat up and looked aorund the room , everyone was staring at me bu they werent laughing for once ..... no they were just looking and i soon realized why .

My sleeves rode up .

All of my scars and cuts were exposed . I quickly pulled my sleeves down and somehow the teacher didnt notice but Kellin did . I saw it in his eyes . He saw them , all of them just like eveyrone else . I felt like crying , i felt like dying at this moment . My teacher looked at me and asked if i wanted to go to the nurse but i said no and slid back into my seat . After the class had died down from my incident Kellin took the seat beside my causing my breathing to become shallow an dmy arms to burn as if they were on fire.

I hid my face wiht my hair as i sat silently not being able to focus on the lesson with him next to me .As soon as the bell rang i got up and bolted out of the room leaving Kellin behind . I ran to the football feild and sat behind the bleachers and cried . I dont know how long i was there but eventually saw someone walk up to me . I looked up to see him .



Hey guys i hope you like the story so far and if you do please vote and follow me .

Alos read my other story A savior will be there and tell me waht you think .

so for now enjoy the story and Byeeeeee.

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