coming home

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- Kellin P.O.V. -

I know what I did was wrong but I couldn't help it , I hd met this girl while Vic was still passed out after the mental hospital incident and I couldn't stop thinking about her .She was amazing and I felt something towards her but it wasn't love . She was doing things to me and I knew she was . I could feel it . I didn't like her she just made me think I did. I had to talk to her about it ... I had to tell her to stop im happy and in love with Vic and nothing will change that .Not even some beautiful woman . I hadn't told Vic that I was going to meet up with her tonight . I knew he would go completely crazy , hes a new vampire and although he doesn't know it yet if I get him to mad he will know and I have to hold that off because no matter what the situation is when his fangs come out for the first time the only thing he will want is blood . Nothing else .

I had to sneak out of the house that night while Vic was off doing something else . Im pretty sure he saw me though but as long as he didn't follow everything was good . If he followed .... not so much . I walked t where I was supposed to meet this girl and she was already there . looking beautiful as always . Something was pulling me to her ... something I couldn't resist . She stepped forward and kissed me and I had to , nothing could stop what I was feeling . I kissed back . The second I did all the feeling faded away from me ... I knew what se was doing but how could I stop it ? She was a siren . attracting men to their death for centuries and I could feel it in our cold heartless kiss that we had just shared . I pulled back quickly and could sense myself being watched . The siren just smiled , whispered " Good luck " ,and waved slightly then ran off faster then ive ever seen anyone run but good luck ? what was she talking about , I was puzzled until I turned around .

Vic was standing there , fangs out , eyes red with a fire of passion .. anger ... he was looking directly at me with a rage ive never seen before in anyone ever . I was scared . The next thing I knew is that I was on the ground . Sharp pains coursed through my entire body and I felt like someone had just lit me on fire . the pain was so intense . I couldn't breath or think or scream or anything . Everything was going dark . I couldn't feel anymore . He was a new vampire he drank my blood so fast . I slipped away into nothing before I could even utter the words im sorry

* kellins dream thing at the hospital *

I  couldn't see a thing . It was all darke everywhere and I heard little beeping from where I was although I couldn't see where it was coming from . I couldtn hear anything else over the beeping and a soft voice coming form outside my existence . I didn't know what had happened , I feel like I was just ina  huge fire and burned to a crisp. Like someone had thrown ice on me after . My body was freezing yet my insides burned for something ... someone ... Vic . my dearest little vampire vic who had almost killed me . I still yearned for him , I had to let him  know why I was sorry and prey to god he would forgive me .

the voice was coming from outside the in the hall and it was growing closer but I couldn't wake up , I could now feel everything and hear but I just couldn't open my eyes . The beeping of my heart moniter  was getting on my nerves and I didn't know what I could do . I tried with all my might but it was useless . I knew I would be ok everntually but for now I was sat , in the darkness waiting for an escape .

what seemed like forever passed but I saw a light . It was shining through my darkness and my eyes were finally peeling back open . I was being alive again and I saw the last thing I had expected right  in front of me . it was vic

* end dream thingy *

I needed to explain everything to him now

Let love bleed red ( kellic )Where stories live. Discover now