There he is

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- Vic P.O.V. -

* dream *

THERE HE WAS , he was running away but why ? Was he running away from me ? Where was he going ? I followed the boy with a slight wave in his black hair that almost reached his shoulders . His deep brown eyes mezmerized me every time i got a chance to see them . He ran and ran and ran with no apparent destination but i still followed . I had to see what he was running from

He seemed scaed , like he didnt know where he was , like he was lost somehow , lost within himself almost . He stopped running eventually but was stuck behind a wall . He wanted to get around it . He looked behind him and straight past me , looking at something i couldnt see . I slowly got closer to him .

" its ok im not going to hurt you "

My words seemed to pass through him as if i was invisible , the look of pure fear in his eyes was almost enough to send me into tears but i didnt cry . I somehow couldnt , not now anyway . Something was stopping me .

I moved my way closer to the terrified boy to see things written on the wall in from of him . they almost looked like song lyrics . Why did they sound so familiar to me ? I couldnt place my finger on it . I stepped closer and closer until i was just a few feet away from the boy . He was so scared . He looked lost . " hi my name is Vic " i whispered to him in a soothing tone to try and calm him .

" kellin "

he whispered to me than got up and walked away , i tried to follow him but as i rounded the corner of the wall i saw him there . He was hanging , the blood dripping down his neck and sprawled across the floor were the words LET LOVE BLEED RED . i ran to him and ......

End dream *

The sound of my alarm clock echoed through my room as i woke up from my dream . I could still see his spots of blood on my hands from where i tried to help . The dream always ended the same place as if that was the only place Kellin could end up . It was probobly just a dream but the guy , he looked so familiar i mustve seen him somewhere before but why did i have theese dreams ? Ive been having them since i was about 7 years old and they have been exactly the same all this time and im now 16 .

I heard my father downstairs telling me to get ready for school and i groaned as i got out of bed to get ready . I threw on black skinny jeans , a random tank top i had laying around and a beanie since it was ot late to fix my hair today . I grabbed my school stuff as i ran downstairs not wanting to miss the bus , it was the only good part of the day because i could listen to music , and not that many people bothered me .

As i ran outside to catch my bus i saw a moving bus across the street . Someone new must be moving in . i never knew the old neighbors but oh well . As i got on the bus and made my way back to my normal seat i realized i had forgot my bracelets. This wasnt good but i had my jacket . Hopefully no one would notice the scars that littered my arms.

I sat down in my seat and listened to my music and before i knew it we were at hell ... i mean school , same differance . I got up from my seat and made my way off the bus walking slower with each step , school was just a drama filled peice of crap . The only good part was lunch because i could go be by myself for once . I walked inot school and got the usual snickers and whispers form the girls but i just kept walking , i wanted to gt to class as soon as i could , i needed to finish a song ive been working on . i got into the room and sat in my usual seat at the back and put my headphones in trying to drown out the world . I  took out my notebook and began writing " this is a wasteland , my only retreat ......" . i couldnt finish the osng now , the people in the room were being to noisy and arrogent . Like always  .

I looked up and realized the teacher had been talking so i took my headphones out to hear the last part of what she was saying . " ... we have a new student and his name is Kellin Quinn "

I forze in my place . Kellin ? that was the name from the guy in my dream and i mean it wasnt a very popular name i  think . I looked at the door with anticipation waiting to see the kid come in but all that showed up was the principal . Thank god , he said that Kellin had gotten into an accident . That worried me for some reason . What if it was the guy from my dream ..... what if he had gotten hurt . I tried to shake these thought from my mind but they wouldnt go , he was all i could think about .

All the way until i got home and i saw the mving truck leaving from the house across the street . I looked over out of curiosity and saw what im assuming a mom and dad and ....... no it couldnt be .As i got closer i realized this guy looked exectly liek the one form my dream . I started breathing heavier and then he looked at me and i froze . Those eyes .... those wre his eyes . I ran inot my house as fast as i could and ran up to my room and threw my stuff down tryignt o keep my tears form blurring my vision . I loked around for a minute WHERE WAS IT ? i silently thought to myself but then i saw it . The familiar silver glint of my blade .

I picked it up and walked into my bathroom , closed the door , then slid down the door with my blade in hand . I looked at it and it looked exactly the sameas i remembered .

I kept thinking about his eyes , those scared and lost eyes . It hurt me , i didnt even know the guy but ..... I looked at my blade once more and whispered to myself .

"Long time no see olf friend ..... "


Well theres that ....... if you like it please vote . Ill be updating this one every day or at leats try to while im finishing my other .

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im also taking requests so if you want to request something comment or message me .

So for now enjoy the story and Byeeeeee

Let love bleed red ( kellic )Where stories live. Discover now