Never again will i fall

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hey guys im just gonna tell you that im going to be ending this in two more chapters so yeah . after that im going to be working on the Phan then ill start on the sequel to " A savior will be there " so theres a lot that im working on . thank you all for reading and i hope you like this part .


- Kellin P.O.V. -

well i think since vic almost just died i should finally start telling him things .... telling him about who i reallly am and hoping that he wont be scared .... ive held this secret forever but its time to let it go .

Vic had been in rehab since he was shot just regaining his strength . he only has about two more weeks until he gets out but hes doing great . i was think about what all i was going to tell him when he walked in the door . I guess i have to do it now . I was terrified about this but it needed to be done . It had to be .

V: hey kellin ..

K : Vic ....come here we need to talk .....

V: what about ? is everything ok ...

K : yeah i just need to tell you things ... i havent been completely honest ......

V : what do you mean ...

K : i think its time i told you who i really am and my past ......

V : ok ... im listening .....

I took a deep breath and began to talk " I was only 7 years old and i began to hear voices .... they spoke to me and told me to do things to myself or to other people .... they werent bad most of the time but they were starting to get that way . the voices would tell me to kill people then just a few days later the person they told me to kill would be conviced of murder or a crime like that . i thought i was completely crazy and i told my parents ... they began treating me differant .... like i was crazy so i belived it . i got much more aggressive i just wanted the voices to go away . i didnt want to hurt anyone . I began drawing a lot but not with led or ink but in blood ... the red was so pretty and in my mind i was creating artwork ... my parents didnt like that of course so they sent me to a mental hospital .... i went to so many theapists that i lost count . i tried so many differant medicines but none of them worked . i was in the hospital for 5 months before i started having dreams ....  about you ..... it was always you about to jump off a bridge but me saving you . at the time i didnt know who you were so it scared me . i always heard about killing the murderers but now im saving a person . i didnt know what to think . I felt like nothing was clear anymore i didnt know who i was or where i was .... the day before i started at the high school i had a dream that like everyone was melting almost and just you survived .... like they disappeared when i saw you . the day i actually met you in person the voices stopped .... the dreams stopped and everything seemed clear again and everything was just pulling me to you ..... i havent heard the voices once since weve been together and the only dream i had was when you almost died ..... i finally feel sane since im around you ..... i was so scared but .... im not anymore ...... " i had tears in my eyes when i finished .....

Vic pulled me into his arms and held me for a while ..... he didnt think i wascrazy at all . ive been so scared to tell him i kept thinking he willl leave me and the voices will come back but he understood. He told me about his dreams about me andi never wouldve expected that .... he really did understand . Maybe it was destiny who brought us together so we could save each other ..... it made me so happy just to know that he understood and that

i wasnt alone ....


there ya go . i finally wrote out kellins back story . i know a few of you have been waiting for that so yayy i did it . I hope you like this part .

But for now vote and follow , i love you all , and Byeeeee

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