Forever Mine

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- Vic P.O.V. -

Vic P.O.V. -

Today is the day ... I finally get to get Kellin . This week has been so lonely without him I have resorted to other means of keeping me not bored..... Yeah but anyway its finally time .

I was driving slowly . I was so tired . Its around midnight tonight and I had to drive to the mental place without being caught . Oh that's only mildly impossible but somehow I managed it . I knew I would be able to but still . I haven't really slept or ate or ... umm anything in the time Kellin was gone but oh well . Ill be ok despite what everyone says I am fine . I was waiting out in the parking lot until 12:13 .. right before the guards came and did their rounds . Id have to knock the out to be able to get by them or else there's no way id ever get in . I waited ... and Waited ... and Waited .... where were they . It was almost 1 am . I had to get in soon Kellin was expecting me but they weren't here what was I supposed to do .Sneak into a high tech mental hospital ? Yes exactly ....

I got out of my car quietly making sure  I didn't make a sound shutting the door or my footsteps on the gravel . Nothing I did made above a whisper sound in the breeze . I was wearing all black so I wasn't able to be spotted easily and my small frame finally came in handy because I was able to hide anytime I saw a light heading in my direction . I had to keep an extra sharp eye out for guards just in case they decided to show up now . They didn't of course so now my problem was sneaking in .

There was a huge wall surrounding the entire wall and barbed wire at the top . Dang is this a hospital or a prison . I wasn't sure anymore but the only way to get in was to scale the wall because the door was locked . Of course . I began scaling the wall . Grabbing one brick after another .begging to whoever with everything I had that I would fall . I couldn't afford it now I was so high up already if I feel now I surly be dead .But somehow despite me having no athletic ability whatsoever I managed to get to the top of the building . The wire was scratching me and tearing my cloths up . Making blood pour down the wall from where it had cut my skin open but I had to keep going . Kellin was inside and he needed me and I needed him , i cant be alone another second or ill go crazy ..... to soon Vic . to soon .

I somehow managed to get down the other side of the wall with only minor cuts and scratches everywhere. It burned like the pits of hell but I had to keep going . Now how do I get in from here ? I looked around . I saw open windows everywhere but they all had bars on them . Damn it . I walked around half of the building before I finally found an open window with no bars on it . Its about time , that only took forever . It was about 2 now but I wasn't really sure . My phone was covered in blood . I climbed the wall with it in my pocket so yeah .... but I mean it still worked ..... kinda .

I crawled into the window and looked around . It looked like I was in the kitchen and I heard voices coming from not far away . I don't think anyone heard me or saw me . I landed in a shadow so I blended in for the most part . I snuck around the corner . If anything was going to give me off it would be my breathing . I didn't even realize I was panting now . I had just run a lot and climbed a huge wall , I don't do the exercising but thank god I had a little secret weapon in my bag ... just in case I had a little issue with some guards . I looked around the corner and saw some people sitting in a circle and I heard kellins name brought up in the conversation . it was like

" Is it time yet " ..... " No not yet .... he will be changed tomorrow " * murmurs of people agreeing *

What the fuck are they talking about ? Change ? Into what .... Ok yeah I had to get him NOW . I snuck by the little room they were sitting in with ease . I ran down the halls . trying to find where he could be . I had no idea . I remember he said he was in the 4th floor but I didn't know were I was . I was assuming the first floor but I had been running around so much I wasn't sure anymore . But I kept running I had to find him . I had saw a little sign saying 4th floor after a while . Oh great the biggest floor on the entire building . Of course . I slowly walked by . Checking all the rooms . Looking for one person in the mix or a billion and a half rooms . Sounds easy doesn't it . I walked and walked . Looking in room after room after about an hour I came to the last room on the entire floor .

Of course the last room in the entire floor would be the room that he was in . I looked in and there he lay on the bed .... asleep . Are you serious he is asleep . I have been working my ass off for like 3 hours running around this entire place trying to find him yet he is asleep . Ughhh . I stormed in the room kinda pissed off .


He woke up looking scared more then anything i have ever seen and I felt something hit the back of my head and I grabbed my head and turned around to see a guard hiding in Kellins room . He was waiting there .... that's why Kellin couldn't get out .... I could feel blood dripping down the back out of my head but I reached into my bag ... I felt what I was looking for . A 8 inch black stiletto heel . The worst enemy . I hit the guard hard in the face with the heel and chuckled.


Kellin couldn't help but chuckle a bit and I ran and hugged him . He hugged back obviously not even caring that a lot of my blood was now getting all over him . We just needed to get out of here before whatever changing thing was going to happen if we stayed .

I grabbed his hand and began running fast . Hoping that the guard dude wouldn't wake up . We made it down to the first floor , out the kitchen and out into the courtyard where I had first snuck in , we were both panting heavily and covered in sweat . I was getting extremely dizzy . From how fats we were going and the hit in the back of the head to how much blood i have lost and everything else . It was all I could do to keep my eyes open . I was so tired ... so tired . But me and Kellin had to get out of here . We ran and ran until we got to the place where I had first snuck in . My blood was still dripping down the wall but I had to go ... I let kellin climb up the wall first ... mainly because  heard footsteps behind us . I knew the guards were looking for us .  I was leaving blood trails the entire time we were running around but I wasn't going to let him know that . He made it to the top and the second I started climbing I felt two hands grab me and pull me off of the wall pushing me onto the ground hard . I let out a soft cry of pain and Kellin screamed then jumped back down but a guard caught him and he had him in the air while he flailed and did everything he could to try and get back to  me but it didn't work . The guard carried him off and I layed on the ground just trying not to pass out but I felt myself being lifted up form the ground .

I was carried for what seemed like and eternity but I eventually I was thrown into a wall . I was in a small room with bars on all the windows , the room itself was padded and they shut the door . I couldn't get out . but I was able to look through I window and there was a ' cell ' next to me .Kellin was in that one . At least hes ok .... I wasn't bale to stand long . I fell to the ground seizing uncontrollably . My head hurt so bad . my body was numb . I hurt everywhere . I could feel myself getting ready to black out but right before I did I heard someone form outside my cell whisper ,

Youre next Vic ....


And the update is finally here guys I hope you like it . Ive been trying to write longer chapters so there that .BUT GUYS LIKE OVER 100 FOLLOWERS ARE YOU SERIOUS !!! thank you so much to everyone who has followed me and all the friends ive made on here ( you know who you are ) but thank you so much to everyone who had followed it means so much . i Hope you like it ... so yeah besides that vote and follow , I love you all and Byeee


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